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Name:Art Alio (w)
Birthday:Jan 3 1983
Country:Czech Republic
Painting, linux, music
Czech, Russian, German, English very few
About me:
Independent artist from Europe, creates paintings and oil portraits from photographs. Her art captures the emotional essence of the subject while maintaining a true likeness. Her oil and pencil portraits and paintings grace the walls of homes throughout the Europe, Asia and USA. Her provides top quality oil portraits that create indelible memories.If you are looking for professional and personal service for your oil painting portrait, or paintings, this is the right choice with guaranteed quality. Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy your stay.
Email:Contact artalio
Registered:Aug 10 2010
Last visit:Sep 23 2012
My PC:
Operating System:
LinuxLexOS 11, Ubuntu


Jun 4 2012 16:47artalio voted content "malys - RevoLT - BLACK" down
Jun 4 2012 16:47artalio voted content "malys - glassArt + colors" down
Jun 4 2012 16:47artalio voted content "malys - unicolors" down
Jun 4 2012 16:46artalio voted content "malys - GS" down
Jun 4 2012 16:46artalio voted content "malys - metro + metroo" down
Jun 4 2012 16:45artalio voted content "malys - uniSEX " down
Jun 4 2012 16:45artalio voted content "malys - RevolT & RevoLT " down
Jun 4 2012 16:45artalio voted content "malys - glassy" up
Jun 4 2012 16:45artalio voted content "malys - future" down
Jun 4 2012 16:44artalio voted content "malys - uniblack update 03.06.2012" down
Jun 4 2012 16:43artalio voted content "malys - uniblue update 03.06.2012" down
Jun 4 2012 16:43artalio voted content "Elegance Colors" up
Jun 4 2012 16:43artalio voted content "Gela" down
Jun 2 2012 17:21artalio voted content "Elegant Icon of Search" up
May 25 2012 16:16artalio voted content "Prophet-3" up
Apr 8 2012 17:40artalio voted content "Fruit of Life 5 different resolutions" up
Apr 8 2012 17:40artalio posted a comment ":)"
Apr 8 2012 17:39artalio voted content "Fear" up
Mar 14 2012 17:41artalio has uploaded: "Blue Sky"
Jan 29 2012 12:38artalio voted content "Prophet-2 Theme + Metacity" up
Dec 6 2011 12:53artalio has updated: "Paralel"
Dec 6 2011 12:52artalio has updated: "Mirroring "
Oct 3 2011 20:14artalio has uploaded: "Mirroring "
Oct 3 2011 20:11artalio has uploaded: "Mirroring "
Oct 3 2011 20:04artalio has updated: "Peaches Still Life"
Oct 3 2011 19:59artalio has updated: "Prophet II."
Oct 3 2011 19:58artalio has updated: "Paralel"
Aug 29 2011 17:07artalio voted content "Apache 5 different resolutions" up
Aug 29 2011 17:06artalio posted a comment ":)"
Aug 29 2011 17:05artalio posted a comment "Very cool"

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Contact artalio
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