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Name:Rohitasch Tewari (m)
Birthday:Sep 23 1971
Country:New Delhi, India
Email:Contact psychydyl
Registered:Apr 6 2008
Last visit:Feb 21 2016

I love KDE 3.5x

Dec 17 2015 23:12psychydyl voted content "Clonator ICON" up
Dec 10 2015 22:28psychydyl voted comment "Re: GORGEOUS theme but.." up
Nov 22 2015 16:18psychydyl voted content "*Kill Bill*" up
Nov 21 2015 12:02psychydyl voted content "Cerium " up
Nov 21 2015 12:02psychydyl voted content "petite-cerium" up
Nov 13 2015 15:38psychydyl has updated: "Hindu Reich Flag"
Nov 12 2015 15:30psychydyl has uploaded: "Hindu Reich Flag"
Nov 11 2015 00:09psychydyl voted content "Bespin simple theme" up
Nov 3 2015 17:29psychydyl voted content "Automatic unmount in Dolphin" up
Nov 2 2015 16:26psychydyl voted content "Soft Breeze - QtCurve" up
Nov 2 2015 16:26psychydyl voted comment "Nice and creamy as you say :-)" up
Nov 2 2015 16:14psychydyl has uploaded: "Usable Darkness QTCurve"
Nov 2 2015 12:23psychydyl is now fan of "Element"
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