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Name:giorgio dolfo (m)
Birthday:Dec 15 1960
Job status:working
Country:azzano decimo (PN), Italy
Favourite music:
Wolfang Amadeus Mozart, Scarlatti, Glenn Gould, Velvet Underground, Sinead o\\\'Connors, Fabrizio De Andrè
Favourite movies:
Nicolas Philibert - Etre et avoir
Stanley Kubrick -Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Francis Ford Coppola - Apocalypse Now
Quentin Tarantino - Pulp Fiction
Ridley Scott - Blade Runner
John Landis - The Blues Brothers
Federico Fellini - Amarcord
Federico Fellini - La dolce vita
Fritz Lang - Metropolis
Charles Chaplin - The Great Dictator
Jonathan Demme - Stop Making Sense

Favourite books:
J.D. Salinger - The catcher in the rye
Gertrude Stein - The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas
William S. Burroughs - Naked Lunch
Philip K. Dick - Ubik
Edgar Allan Poe - The pit and the pendulum
Edgar Lee Masters - Spoon River Anthology
Fernanda Pivano - Diari
Simone de Beauvoir - Les Mandarins
Francis Scott Fitzgerald - The Beautiful and Damned
Ernest Hemingway - For Whom the Bell tolls
Charles Bukowski - Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions and General Tales of Ordinary Madness
Pier Paolo Pasolini - Scritti corsari

Email:Contact socialinux
Messenger:MSN Messenger socialinux@hotmail.com
Registered:Aug 18 2008
Last visit:Jun 19 2016
My PC:
intel core duo 3.0
Operating System:
Linux like Debian

Apr 23 2016 21:58socialinux voted content "Paper" up
Apr 23 2016 21:58socialinux is now fan of "Paper"
Apr 9 2016 22:11socialinux is now fan of "Event Calendar"
Apr 9 2016 22:11socialinux voted content "Event Calendar" up
Apr 5 2016 21:05socialinux voted content "Zukitre" up
Apr 5 2016 21:05socialinux is now fan of "Zukitre"
Feb 14 2016 17:46socialinux is now fan of "Boston"
Dec 29 2015 14:18socialinux voted content "Racy For Plasma 5" up
Dec 29 2015 14:18socialinux is now fan of "Racy For Plasma 5"
Dec 27 2015 15:44socialinux voted content "Boston" up
Dec 5 2015 22:09socialinux is now fan of "Keneric KDE (KF5) thumbnailer"
Dec 5 2015 22:09socialinux voted content "Keneric KDE (KF5) thumbnailer" up
Dec 5 2015 22:02socialinux voted content "Uranus" up
Dec 5 2015 22:02socialinux is now fan of "Uranus"
Nov 30 2015 21:46socialinux posted a comment "Great!"
Nov 30 2015 21:42socialinux is now fan of "Buttons"
Nov 24 2015 23:07socialinux is now fan of "FFMpegThumbs-MattePaint"
Nov 24 2015 22:08socialinux is now fan of "Mild For Plasma 5"
Nov 19 2015 01:52socialinux is now fan of "Aurora"
Nov 2 2014 20:59socialinux posted a comment "Good stuff!"
Nov 2 2014 20:56socialinux voted content "Plank Settings" up
Oct 30 2014 23:17socialinux voted content "4CTiles v2 Conky" up
Oct 14 2014 20:54socialinux is now fan of "4CTiles Conky"
Aug 16 2014 13:53socialinux is now fan of "EleMint Icon Theme"
Jun 21 2014 22:08socialinux is now fan of "FaenzaFlattr"
Apr 20 2014 21:40socialinux is now fan of "New KDE theme ideas"
Mar 24 2014 18:02socialinux posted a comment "Re: Re: Uninstall program"
Mar 23 2014 16:43socialinux posted a comment "Uninstall program"
Mar 21 2014 18:48socialinux voted content "BashStyle-NG" up
Mar 20 2014 22:44socialinux voted content "Download from youtube mp3 or mp4" up

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