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user public
Name:Roger Spires (m)
Birthday:Apr 4 1952
Job status:working
Country:Florence, United States of America
Google Maps
testing latest linux apps, photography, reading, blogging, grandkids, my girlfriend and cooking
Don't likes:
politicians, bureaucrats, plastic people, fringe nuts, taxes, excessive knowledge restrictions (patents, DRM, etc)
english, korean, some vietnamese
Programming languages:
Favourite quote:
Don't complain, don't explain
Favourite music:
bluesy rock, r&b (old school)
Favourite tv shows:
burn notice
Favourite movies:
good sci-fi: stargate, star trek, blade runner
classics: casablanca, high noon, the day the earht stood still
Favourite books:
Lord of the Rings, Tom Clancy, Hemingway
Favourite games:
Mind games
About me:
I am retired military, ex-hippy, ex-neo-con, capitalist, free thinker
Email:Contact onemystic
Messenger:AIM rspires1952
Registered:Jun 18 2009
Last visit:Sep 5 2010
My PC:
Operating System:
opensuse 11.2 rc with KDE 4.3 pre
windows 7.0 rc

KDE 4 Fans
openSUSE Users

Aug 31 2011 20:27onemystic voted content "Oxyglass" up
May 23 2011 19:38onemystic voted content "wireless dataengine required by WiFi" up
May 23 2011 19:35onemystic voted content "new-wallpaper" up
May 15 2011 13:27onemystic voted content "Semi-transparent Cursors" up
May 15 2011 12:47onemystic voted content "Gaia10" up
May 13 2011 08:40onemystic voted content "Breathless" up
Apr 16 2011 09:06onemystic voted content "G-remix" up
Apr 16 2011 09:04onemystic voted content "Androbit (KDE 4.6 compatibility)" up
Apr 10 2011 09:30onemystic voted content "Make Progress!" up
Apr 10 2011 09:29onemystic voted content "simpleTODO" up
Dec 12 2010 03:17onemystic voted content "WLAN monitor" up
Nov 19 2010 17:16The !openSUSE 11.4 devel release and the KDE 4.6 (rel 4) are running nicely on my intel, getting all window and 3d effects. 4.6 will rock.
Aug 25 2010 00:16First attempt to set up home net with file, printer, etc sharing from !openSUSE to a win box. Thanks to all the bloggers. It works.
Aug 16 2010 00:15I am amazed at KDE pre 4.6 and how Kwin is doing. It just seems like it is coming in to its own. Good job, folks. Gonna be awesome.
Aug 10 2010 01:45nepomuk works for me. Tasks, tags, timeline, etc. all work. Searching in krunner brings up indexed items. kde 4.5.
Aug 10 2010 01:00Finally, KDE 4.5.0 on openSuse 11.3!
Jul 24 2010 01:36onemystic has joined the group "openSUSE Users"
Jun 25 2010 20:30To get Folder view in KDE, right click on desktop. Select Desktop Settings. Click on Activity. Click on Type drop list, select Folder View.
Jun 19 2010 23:30I like Blogilo. Active development and stable. Problems with Blogger sites but works for me on wordpress.
Jun 19 2010 23:30Been playing with opensuse unstable:kdepim . The kmail2 akonadi-nepomuk features are nice. Didn't blow me away but I like it. Good start.
Jun 19 2010 23:30Running opensuse 11.3 rc1 with kde4.5 rc3. Looks good so far although I have had to turn off the desktop effects. Gotta report the bugs..
Jun 19 2010 23:30Thank God for the folks who created and maintain WICd! It saves the day when NetworkManager gets "improved" and fails. Never be without it!
Jun 19 2010 23:30This has been a great day.
Jun 19 2010 23:30Trying to get all the microblogs in one place. So, far gwibber is winning.
Jun 19 2010 23:30Busy day google'n on the keyboard. Problems with the akonadi-googledata resourcen I use with Kontact. finally filed a bug with bug.kde.org.
Jun 19 2010 23:30Adding identi.ca to my social media apps
Jun 19 2010 23:21Began a blog to pass on what I learn about KDE$.X SC (particularly Akonadi-Nepomuk) to give back to the community.
Mar 15 2010 14:03The synergy of KDE SC 4.4.1, Akonadi and Nepomuk is beautiful, powerful and a shining example of the open source vision. Happy, happy, joy, joy.
Oct 28 2009 14:15onemystic has updated the profile photo.
Oct 28 2009 02:03onemystic has joined the group "KDE 4 Fans"

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Contact onemystic
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