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Name:aytac ortac (m)
Birthday:Feb 16 1987
Job status:student
Country:Edirne, Turkey
Google Maps
Music, PC, Graphic Design, Photo, Reading etc
Don't likes:
wake up early...
turkish, english, italian.
Favourite quote:
Favourite music:
Blues, Jazz, Rock etc. Turk Sanat Muzigi, Indie Pop.
Favourite tv shows:
LOST, Carnivale, Heroes, Prison Break, Lost Room, Hacı Yatmaz, Makina, The Simpsons, South Park, Garfield, Kaygisizlar, Sidika, Fringe, Breaking Bad, Pushing Daisies, Six Feet Under.
Favourite movies:
Beetlejuice, Sin City, Dark Ciyt, Matrix, LOTR, Deathproof, Sponge Bob Square Pants, Cube, A Beautiful Mind, 300, Rose Red, Big Fish, The Faculty, The Big Lebowski, Ed Wood, Rezervoir Dogs, The Machinist, Face Off, Next Door, Kung Fu Hustle, Malena, The Count of Monte Cristo, Saw I-II-III, Pan\'s Labyrinth, Apocalypto, 23, The Simpsons Movie, Trainspotting, Fight Club, American History, Requem for a Dream, The Shawshank Redeption, Misery, A Clokwork Orange, Lost Highway, Ray Charles, Charlie and the Chocolate Fab. The Nightmare Before Christmas, Hostel, V for Vendetta, Underworld, The Godfather, Terminator, Amelie, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Natural Born Killers, Beign John Malkovich, Das Boot, Jeepers Creepers, The Wizard of Oz, High Tension, Poseidon, Titanic, Spirited Away, Castle in the Sky, Howl\'s Moving Castle, Mononoke Hime, Back to the Future I-II-III, Cannibal Holocaust, The Final Cut, Corpse Bride, Forest Gump, The Green Mile, Ghost in the Shell, Hannibal Rising, The Prestige, 21 Grams, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Cell, Chicago, Silent Hill, Spirited Away, Hababam Sınıfı, Davaro, Tatar Ramazan, Ghostbusters.
Favourite games:
Armadillo Run, World of Goo, Gish, Quake III Arena, Warcraft Series, Diablo Series.
Email:Contact aytacortac
Messenger:MSN Messenger aytacortac@live.com
Registered:Nov 25 2008
Last visit:Jul 31 2010
My PC:
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor TK-53, GeForce Go 6100, 2 GB DDR2 RAM, 120 GB HDD,
Operating System:
vista, xp, ubuntu, slax.

Turkiye(Turk ey)
improved voting system

Jul 11 2010 19:35aytacortac has uploaded: "calendula"
Mar 17 2010 07:16aytacortac has updated: "orta dunyada gun batimi"
Mar 17 2010 07:05aytacortac has updated: "bucuk tepe ve gun batimi"
Mar 16 2010 21:39aytacortac has updated: "tesisatci mario"
Mar 16 2010 21:26aytacortac has uploaded: "tesisatci mario"
Mar 15 2010 21:30aytacortac and philius are now friends.
Mar 15 2010 19:02aytacortac and MadeInKobaia are now friends.
Mar 15 2010 11:25aytacortac has updated: "flying time"
Mar 15 2010 11:24aytacortac has uploaded: "flying time"
Feb 26 2010 14:20aytacortac has updated: "any login"
Feb 26 2010 14:19aytacortac has uploaded: "any login"
Jan 25 2010 13:27aytacortac has uploaded: "my imagination world"
Dec 19 2009 15:30aytacortac has uploaded: "moon lovers"
Dec 18 2009 00:03aytacortac has uploaded: "midnight light"
Dec 13 2009 21:43aytacortac has uploaded: "communication"
Dec 13 2009 21:42aytacortac has uploaded: "communication"
Nov 30 2009 14:47aytacortac has updated: "old times good times"
Nov 30 2009 14:46aytacortac has updated: "old times good times"
Nov 30 2009 14:46aytacortac has updated: "i believe i can fly"
Nov 30 2009 14:46aytacortac has updated: "i believe i can fly"
Nov 27 2009 23:59aytacortac has updated: "old times good times"
Nov 27 2009 23:58aytacortac has uploaded: "old times good times"
Nov 27 2009 23:57aytacortac has uploaded: "old times good times"
Nov 17 2009 01:55aytacortac has uploaded: "i believe i can fly"
Nov 17 2009 01:51aytacortac has uploaded: "i believe i can fly"
Nov 9 2009 12:55aytacortac has joined the group "Turkiye(Turkey)"
Nov 8 2009 23:32aytacortac has updated the profile photo.
Nov 8 2009 23:29aytacortac has uploaded: "Bucuk-Tepe"
May 10 2009 23:36aytacortac is no longer fan of "ruya"

Contact aytacortac
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