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developer public
Name:Ben Curtis (m)
Birthday:Jan 31 1961
Job status:retired
Country:Glrndale, United States of America
Google Maps
I am actually disabled and my community role is both developer and user. I also support good and useful applications.

I develop in VB6,.NET, and SQL. I am looking at Ubuntu and am looking at applications I need to have in order to use a Linux distro permanantly. I don\'t mind dual/multi booting OS\'s but if one of the OS\'s uses more of my attention, then I would just use the other as a novelty.

I am in need of development suites like Visual Studio (I use 2005) and accessability software. I need speech to text, text to speech and especially voice command of the desktop.

I am using Gnome as Ubuntu gave me that when installed (in a VM). When I get more knowledgeable of KDE, I will decide which is best for me.

I like Ubuntu a lot more than I expected. The live CD saved ,y butt on occaision. ;-)
Already listed. Obviously computers and tech.
Favourite quote:
\"I am the way, the truth, the life, no one comes to the Father but by me.\"

\"All have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God.\"

The fool says in his heart,
\"There is no God.\"
They are corrupt, and their ways are vile;
there is no one who does good.
Favourite music:
Smooth Jazz
Some Christian Music
Favourite tv shows:
Little House in the Prarie
Courst Shows (Eye for an Eye is unique)
Fox News and opinion.
and to a lesser degree: scum shows like Maury and Springer ( I just don\'t understand why certian people like to air thier dirty laudry like that)
Favourite movies:
Star Trek, Star wars. (Sci-Fi action)
Moral (with lesson learned) type of shows.
Various documentries Mostly science related.
Favourite books:
I usually try to obtain a digital version if available.

Programming. Political. Biblical.
Favourite games:
Used to play. I like the FPS\'s I just got the Call of Duty series and I have others. I used to be a gamer and loved Unreal Tournament (multi player)
About me:
See above. I am disabled and on dialysis 3 times a week. I just want to do all I can before leaving this earth.
Email:Contact BarJabba
Registered:Jul 3 2009
Last visit:Jul 17 2009
My PC:
Compaq Presario SR1820NX
AMD Athlon 64 X2 +4400 (only one core is working right now)
ASUSTek Inc. A8N-LA (nagami)
4 GB RAM (3.5 XP)
XFX GeForce 9600 GSO 1 GB
OnBoard Sound
nVidia NIC
TSSTCorp CD/DVD (R/W) TS-H552L LightScribe
Various Card readers. Maxtor 160 GB and Seagate 1 TB External USB.
Acer 22\' Widescreen Flat
Brother MFC 240c (5 in 1)
Cable Modem (12 Mps w/ 20 Mps booster)
Unused modem
OS Windows XP Home (XP Pro soon)
Operating System:
I am using Windows predominantly. I am taking a look at Ubuntu. Being there are a number of \"distros\" in the Linux world, I am going to have a hard time deciding which is best. I noticed that I could get around in Gnome out of the box. I am currently using a VM. I did\'t really want to install it yet. I just don\'t want to mess up my current system up. If I do use Linux, unless it offers applications I need, it may well be more of a side show. If I can get a hold of the aforementioned applications, then I may just move over to it permanantly.

Jul 10 2009 11:53BarJabba and bedahr are now friends.
Jul 3 2009 16:22BarJabba has updated the profile page.
Jul 3 2009 14:23BarJabba registered at "KDE-Apps.org"

Contact BarJabba
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