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Re: i wonder......
Sep 9 2010  on content Equinox-Purple Rain

That is actually the system tray icon and service for HPLIP (Hewlett Packard Linux Imaging Printer (?)), HP's program for managing its line of printers for Linux. While some distros already have it installed and add the printer in CUPS, I tend to remove it from the list of installed printers, install hplip-gui, run that in Terminal, and go through installation and setup that way. This allows that program to manage the printer than CUPS, and gives you better tools to manage it.

Re: Metal
Aug 24 2010  on content Equinox Leopard-Standard and Elementary

Metal Metacity added. Enjoy!

Re: Metal
Aug 22 2010  on content Equinox Leopard-Standard and Elementary

Thanks. I'm beginning to think, though, that the problem I'm having with OpenOffice with curved buttons is in fact an issue with the Equinox engine itself. I have tried a lot to fix this to no avail. I still have to make a Metacity for the Metal themes, but that should be done in the next week or so.

Re: Re: Re: Nice Thene
Aug 18 2010  on content Equinox Leopard-Standard and Elementary

Still don't know what the problem is with OpenOffice, but I fixed the rest of the theme. You can use any other brushed Metacity theme with this if you want until I develop an appropriate one for the Metal versions.

Re: Re: Re: Nice Thene
Aug 17 2010  on content Equinox Leopard-Standard and Elementary

Hmm. I'm still trying to get used to adding what are called "pixmaps," which in essence are pictures you add in place of certain things such as buttons and the like. Unfortunately, when a theme is curved and has emptiness within its "space," the image does not go over that. This is why I squared off the progress bar because I first noticed that problem. I believe the buttons and entry boxes may also end up being done the same way with so that gap is not noticeable, or until I can find a way for the image to fill it.

As for the tool bar, I may have over-blended what I was trying to do. I will give it another try and not go as far as I did. Also, the thing with the menu bar had the metal removed to blend too, but I'll see about adding that to still blend. I don't know what can be done concerning the Applet Notification area on the panel, but I'll research it and see what can be done to fix it too. This may take some time though, since I'm going to be busy the next few days.

Re: Nice Thene
Aug 17 2010  on content Equinox Leopard-Standard and Elementary

Done and uploaded, though now it's too big to upload to this site. It's now on my DeviantArt page as a ZIP. Aside from that, everything should work. The toolbar should now blend in with the metacity. I also use Elementary with GlobalMenu, so it was easy to test the results. I use Firefox for non-Elementary based themes.

Re: .
Aug 16 2010  on content Equinox Leopard-Standard and Elementary

Thank you. I've updated it once more with different colors on the buttons, curved them, and added graphite versions. Enjoy!

Re: I like
Aug 16 2010  on content Equinox Leopard-Standard and Elementary

Ask and you may receive. Button colors have been changed and as an added bonus, they are now curved and graphite versions are also available. Enjoy!

Re: Brushed Version
Aug 16 2010  on content Equinox Leopard-Standard and Elementary

Brushed metal version added. It's experimental though.

Re: Brushed Version
Aug 16 2010  on content Equinox Leopard-Standard and Elementary

I'll see what I can do about that. It may be in the next few days.


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