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Oct 10 2008  on content Aurora-compact

I liked the theme very much. It is extremely low rated. For me it is the best theme I have used so far. Just one question, when I click the Applications menu, I see huge arrows that indicate that there is a submenu. How can I make them smaller? I do not know how to build themes but I can give my suggestions and can test your versions if you decide on improving the theme.

Version I and II
Sep 19 2008  on content chrome-like

First of all, great work! I have few dislikes which seem to be already mentioned. The V2 taskbar color is the worst choice ;-). I like a mix of V1 and V2.

Things needed from V1:

Metacity theme, 3D buttons, perhaps coloring them when pointed at would be nice

Things needed from V2

Menu colors. When you right click the colors are much better than V1.

Taskbar color needs to be fixed though.
Overall the theme is nice.

Jul 16 2008  on content ColorBit

Nice theme. Just thought would give some feedback.

1. Panel can be made darker (more black)

2. For some reason I prefer the scrollbar to be the same color as the window (and definitely not orange cos it distracts the user)

3. Menus appear crowded when you right click on desktop. Can that be fixed?

4. When you click on the Applications menu in gnome, you see that the fonts are blurred. They need to be darker as well

If you think these can be fixed by me, please point me to documentation and I can try and fix them myself.

Overall a very usable theme. Thank you for your work.

Jul 2 2008  on content StrangeMatter

Excellent theme. Absolutely loving it. Usability is amazing apart from the looks. Thank you for the theme.

Re: Abour yourself
Apr 20 2008  on group Ubuntu Indians

I am Lakshmi Kannan, currently in Dallas but basically from Chennai. I am working towards my Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering. I have used Slackware, Red Hat/Fedora, Debian and UBUNTU. I have tried Sabayon, Mint and Mandrake (Mandriva now). For me, ubuntu gets work quickly so that I can use my machine productively. I like all debian based distros.


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