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Aug 29 2011  on poll Tablet computers

Tablets are for browsing the net and reading ebooks, may be playing games.It can't replace laptops and Desktops which are needed for programming , Graphics, Animation, servers, net works and what not. Also iOS or Android can't replace the existing OS in near future as they don't have enough to meet the varied demands of various professions using the current OSes

Re: Re: Re: Re: recieved
Aug 23 2011  on news Win 10.000,- EUR at the "Qtest Mobile App Port"

Mention your consignment no. and say the local TNT office is asking for duty so pl instruct the TNT office in Norway to sort out the issue with the local office. Most probably you will get a fast reply from Maria Nabard

Re: Re: recieved
Aug 23 2011  on news Win 10.000,- EUR at the "Qtest Mobile App Port"

They will contact TNT and settle the issue.

Aug 22 2011  on news Win 10.000,- EUR at the "Qtest Mobile App Port"

Received 2 4GB USB sticks, 2 T shirts and a Qt GUI Programming hard cover book today

Prize sent?
Jul 3 2011  on news We have a "Qtest Mobile App Port Contest" winner!

So Has the prize been sent out?

Jun 26 2011  on news We have a "Qtest Mobile App Port Contest" winner!

Congrats to all winners. Why have the winners not commented?

Re: Winner
Jun 25 2011  on news Win 10.000,- EUR at the "Qtest Mobile App Port"

Interesting to note that none of the winners have commented .Not even the Euro 10,000 winner has commented No Thank you , no happiness - nothing. Do they know they have won?


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