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Re: Re: Re: Re: GNU/Linu
May 22 2008  on group Linux is a kernel.

In my opinion GNU utils are great. GCC is GNU compiler and *bsd are addicted to it :D.

Re: Re: GNU/Linux
May 22 2008  on group Linux is a kernel.

Linux is a kernel, but we call Linux distributions just Linux, because it has more marketing power ;). Do you know that there's GNU/FreeBSD (FreeBSD kernel + GNU utilities)? It seems that GNU wants to emerge every OS/OS kernel etc. ;).

May 21 2008  on group Linux is a kernel.

>Thats why real men run BSD! BSD users on average are ten years older than linux users, BSD developers are certainly older and more experienced than any linux developer which makes for a much better designed OS (which any BSD _is_ a true OS) , which by the way, linux wasnt designed..it was grown like a fungus...now we have all of these linux kids running around thinking insane things like "there wouldnt be a BSD if it werent for linux" or "i want to run one of those BSD linux distros", etc....Now I must ask a question....wht the hell does this group have to do with gnome-look? I agree totally with the statement that linux is a kernel...not an operating system...Ill give you that much.

Total bulsh*t. You're reading too much *bsd people propaganda. Linux is created by companies like: IBM, Intel, Novel, Redhat and many more. Are you jealous, because *bsd can't compete with Linux? Which system runs the most overloaded servers? Linux. For example freebsd has over 600 unfixed bugs and is much slower than Linux in DNS performance (Linux kernel 2.6.20 is faster than super, cool freebsd7, LOL), MySQL etc. Freebsd devs want to port nouveau Linux driver for nvidia cards, but wait a minute. Freebsd doesn't have TTM and DRM so nouveau driver won't work.

>On the other hand, BSD is more stable, which can be good for servers.

Any proofs? There are Linux systems which runs over ten years without restart and as I mentioned already Linux servers are much faster.

May 21 2008  on group Linux is a kernel.

>I get pretty tired of seeing all this "Linux" propaganda, where the people obviously are talking about the GNU operating system with the Linux kernel, but are for some reason seeing Linux as the whole operating system. I would never use Linux as my main operating system, since Linux is a kernel :D I do however use the GNU OS extensively, with the Linux kernel. Please step up and stop reffering to Linux as something it is not!

And I get pretty tired when I'm seeing all this GNU propaganda. What's GNU? Compiler, boot loader, some utilities. GNU is not an OS! Does GNU developed Linux, KDE, GNOME, X and many more stuff? No! So, stop referring to GNU as something it is not.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ..
May 21 2008  on group Linux is a kernel.

> why are so of them trying to port over *BSD package management tool? For instance gentoos portage, draco linux is using pkgsrc from netbsd

Freebsd is porting Gentoos portage now and it looks like *bsd are far behind Linux in many aspects (nothing better than APT or Gentoo Portage). Which distros are trying to port *bsd package management tools? You must be kidding :D

Re: slow
May 20 2008  on poll State of KDE 4?

>Too damn slow...

If you're using nvidia card it's nothing new. Look at their forum. Many people complain about very low 2D performance and it's nvidia fault not KDE4. Nvidia guys said that they'll fix low performance issues, but we're waiting for this more than half a year... If you want good KDE4 experience just use Intel.


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