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Re: Arghhh
Jan 5 2004  on content GTK-QT Theme Engine

Please don't say "kde people" don't understand. I am a KDE user and I understand my computer perfectly well. It is inappropriate to make sweeping judgements such as that about people.

I like that idea that my gtk apps will use the same theme as my qt apps, it looks rather nice on my desktop and I appreciate the work put into this theme. I actually thought about something like this before and am glad someone is pursuing it.

Keep up the good work!

Jan 5 2004  on content GTK-QT Theme Engine

Unfortunately for gnome, they are about 5+ years behind in UI design. I mean, look at the common dialogs (like save/load files), they look like throwbacks from win 3.1 days.
I personally used Gnome exclusively up until 1.4, then kde3 came out, and everything was so much more professional, and more polished that I switched instantly.
Gnome 2 appears to be a step backward. "Simplistic" is all well and good, but most of the options were removed, and it's so unintuitive now it's not funny.
Every major company and distribution uses KDE because it is so much more professional.

Jan 5 2004  on content GTK-QT Theme Engine

Kde people dont understand, GTK and QT are two completely different things, The worst that you can do its try to put QT themes in gtk, they look horrible.. Aparently qt/kde users dont understand gnome/gtk users, and gnome's philosphy of having a nice, not cluttered, unified, desktop (as of 2.x), backed by ximian, redhat, novell, sun, hp, as well as other companies.. Personally as web developer, and graphic designer, I have os x on another comp, but in Linux I use Gnome 2.4 on Debian Sid.. Kde is too cluttered.. (I cant complain on how their apps link to kde's core, or how khtml renders), But trying to make GTK look like QT its a huge mistake, Now cmon, KDE users use xmms and gimp, thats it, no big deal both can be replaced, although nobody has done a gimp replacement yet... Gimp is a photo editing program, not a wow, neither it compares to Photoshop, but somehting is something.. Going back to my argument, gtk is based on the gnu philosophy, plain c, while qt is c++, propietary, and ugly, cluttered, ram comsuming, with ten thousands apps, Like in kde theres 4 media playres. noatun, kaadoble, and i dont know what others, theres 2 text editors, kedit, kate.. In gnome t heres one video player, totem (based on gstreamer or xinelib), one media player, rhythmbox, one text editor, gedit, one email client, evolution, etc etc....Cmon... I think this is a big mistake.-- Although some people find it useful..


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