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Aug 22 2010  on content Equinox Leopard-Standard and Elementary

I`ve looked into your last release, you did such a great job man! Keep mantaining.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Nice Thene
Aug 18 2010  on content Equinox Leopard-Standard and Elementary

Yhank you.

Re: Re: Nice Thene
Aug 17 2010  on content Equinox Leopard-Standard and Elementary

Hello tbbozer,

I hope you don`t mind if i try to help you out finding some errors on the theme. Since i know nothing about gtk and i found someone interested... I will keep suggesting you some things.
Firstly, i would like to show you the desktop i used mixing GT-Brushed (metacity) with T-ish pack (for the gtk). Look at this link http://dl.dropbox.com/u/508558/Captura_de_tela.png this was a quite nice combination, but there were some mistakes and it was terribly slow. Equinox is, obviously, a lot faster.
Well, let's look into yours: nautilus seems fine, but no metal brushed (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/508558/nautilus.png), the gnome-panel exibits some problems too. Openoffice also shows some small errors, and almost no metal brushed (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/508558/ooo.png). For last, the rhythmbox window (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/508558/rhythmbox.png) shows brushed metal texture on most of the page.
I just want to help a bit here, and dont get me wrong. But it feels really nice in the first image i posted, with the hole window and gnome-panel with a texture. This kind of theme gives less distraction from the work, it is clear but not too bright, so dont make you tired of looking at the monitor.
Your theme just have great buttons and bars on graphite, but it would be nice to have brushed metal all over the window.


Nice Thene
Aug 17 2010  on content Equinox Leopard-Standard and Elementary

Thats what we call fast developer. Dude, great theme, especially the brushed metal one. Keep working and mantaining it, i just removed all the previous brushed versions of other themes i've had installed. By the way, do you think of creating a elemetary/global-menu version as well?

Brushed Version
Aug 16 2010  on content Equinox Leopard-Standard and Elementary

Nice theme, but it would be nice to have a brushed version and w/o the glassy bars...


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