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Re: A few changes?
Oct 8 2008  on content Elyssa-Green

Hi thanks for the interest and suggestions. I only just found out today about the comment you have left i musn't have my settings set to notify me of a comment so sorry for the lateness of the reply.. anyway the changes you wanted are very easy to fix and i went ahead and did a kind of custom version for you, i'm not sure if its what you had in mind but i went and commented the values you need to change so you can go in and open the GTKRC file and edit till you got it looking just as you want it :).

anyhow here is a screenshot of what i did

Looks nice
May 18 2008  on content Aurora Unified Suite (Preview)

Yea i really like the gtk theme, however i rather dislike the metacity/emerald theme.
Looking forward to the release to try it out.

May 3 2008  on content Aurora Gtk Engine

Hey, i love the engine, most beautiful engine i've worked with. Just a few things i've noticed / would like help with however...

1. I have a slight problem with the panel buttons, when i have bg[PRELIGHT] = "#somecolour" in other gtk engines such as murrine this "#somecolour" is applied to both the normal and the active bg states exactly the same, however i noticed with this engine the normal button is slightly brighter and has more of a gradient than the active panel button...
Is this a bug or just ment to be like that, it annoys the hell out of me though haha.

2. With the scrollbar i would like to have my buttons curavture set to say 2 but i would like to have my scrollbar round so say 6... but i can't seem to do this and i've tried quite a few things, what would be great is if this was an engine option like scrollbarcurvature. It would make life a lot easier.

3. I guess this one is just a request but I can't seem to like the slider, i find it looks out of place.. do you think you could make alternatives and have a new engine option like sliderstyle?


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