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Re: Re: Nautilus
Nov 26 2010  on content Macbuntu

Well, for starters the problem came when I first installed macbuntu and NE (nautilus elementary). The menubar disappeared and didn't want to turn on. There was no preferences record in the menu. It was buggy and wacky and kind of sluggish.

However though when I installed NE on a clean slate and then macbuntu it worked and still works fine. And don't know where the problem was but I am guessing some of the scripts required for macbuntu were screwing with the NE

Nov 26 2010  on content Macbuntu

Did someone manage to solve the nautilus elementary problem. In my case it doesn't work with macbuntu and I stumbled upon other complaints in the same matter. Or at least let's implement some other file manager

Better file manager
Oct 15 2010  on content Macbuntu

I stumbled upon some primitive article about the latest macbuntu version. Though the file manager looks different. This is what I am talking about http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTiA8GGPoxg

From what I see it's about the alpha version but still the installation instruction are no different the the one on the sourceforge page.

I don't know if this is some kind of new mod I don't know about or it's something completely different. I am not even sure if this is nautilus, but i think this path bar http://bit.ly/ayn6iq looks better than this on http://bit.ly/9lHdDn

I also found a video here http://bit.ly/9tg3xw (not sure if it's the same thing) and certainly looks better than the current.

I hope you agree and I didn't hit any nerves. Just trying to help improving the project

To be added
Sep 28 2010  on content Macbuntu

Hey guys,
sincere regards to the author. Tremendous job indeed. Much better than the Mac4Lin project witch I was previously using with ubuntu.

I updated today, and everything seems to be working awesome as it should.

There are few things that I don't like though and I'd be more than happy to see them fixed in the next version

1st the bread crumb or the location bar if you will looks like this

whereas in snow leopard looks like this

it's no a huge difference but it kind of spoils the looks.

Also the tabs in the properties or gedit or basicly any other tabbed interface besides the one in nautilus are also kind of bumpy when it comes to consistency with mac

The fix about the animations plugin for 64x didn't work for me. I tried it twice, both time after fresh system start and it still doesn't fire.

Otherwise terrific work if you need anything just let me know, I'd more than happy to help as much as I can. I like the project very much so keep up the good work :)


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