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my 2 cents
Dec 17 2008  on group improved voting system

many comments here, i won't go through all those pages, so here's my propoals :

- provide an easy way for people to comment when they're voting "bad". don't make it mandatory, though : once someone votes bad, just display a comment form and incite people to provide useful feedback.

- change the way some categories are handled. i especially think about wallpapers : there should be a way to submit an single entry for several resolutions. this would decrease cluttering as uploaders tend to post multiple entries for the same content, so that they're registered in every resolution category.
a simple way to handle it could be by providing only 2 formats : regular 4/3 and widescreen 16/10. wallpapers get resized when displayed on desktops, so what's the point in having so many resolution categories ?
also, 640x480 is no more widely used - am i wrong ? - so what's the point in having such category for wallpapers ?

Dec 17 2008  on group it's not play button

i haven't been through all the comments of this group, but i joined it because i agree with drxnele's statement.

that's ok if someone votes bad if (s)he tells why.

i upload mainly wallpapers. usually i make several resolutions available (thus increasing cluttering - but that's another story). i'm surprised to see how the rating can be so different from one entry to another, considering that their content is the same (only image size differs).

and even though i'm aware my content is not "great", i'm don't think it deserved to be qualified as "bad".

but hey, tastes and aesthetics are mostly subjective...

still, please drop a comment if you vote bad.

wallpapers formats
Aug 2 2007  on Discussion

i don't really see the point in categorizing wallpapers in so many subsections. i believe image resolution should not be a criteria for categories, imho image format (i.e. regular 4/3 ou widescreen 16/10) would be more relevant.

lately i've noticed people tend to multiple-post their creations, so that they make them available from 800x600 up to 1600x1200. this is nonsense because they post their creations up to 4 times and this make this website bloated.

any user who's interested in a given wallpaper is able to resize it, especially in kde where it requires not effort at all.

therefore i think a single entry should be sufficient for any creation. Posters could then provide links for different resolutions from this unique entry.

just my 2 cents...


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