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Re: messed up default gdm theme
Mar 18 2011  on content Elegant Gnome Pack

Actually, there is a "Configure GDM2 theme->Restore GDM2 settings" menu entry. You had to choose this action before removing the elegant-gnome package from your machine.

Re: Widget
Jan 18 2011  on content Elegant Gnome Pack

This's a conky for DeadBeef Audio player.
You can find it right here:

Re: Widget
Jan 18 2011  on content Elegant Gnome Pack

This's a conky for DeadBeef Audio player.
You can find it right here:

Re: impressive theme
Dec 17 2010  on content Elegant Gnome Pack

thanx :)

Re: GDM2 theme
Dec 17 2010  on content Elegant Gnome Pack

Last time i was testing the pack on Archlinux last time, everything worked as it should. Actually there was a problem with the archlinux's new gksu package(you can find information about this on archlinux's forum), so you've just downgraded it.

Re: Switching Themes
Dec 12 2010  on content Elegant Gnome Pack

Of course, you can. But it's better if you run Elegant GNOME app and choose the "Restore the previous settings" menu before applying the new themes, becouse during the installation, Elegant GNOME app installs some specific fixes (like the fix for the Firefox), that may cause the problems with the other themes. And if you decide to go back to Elegant Gnome, you'll just choose the "Install the pack" menu entry again.

Hope i've answered on your question.

Re: Elementary
Dec 1 2010  on content Elegant Gnome Pack

Nautilus Elementary.

Re: Elementary
Dec 1 2010  on content Elegant Gnome Pack

At least you can check the PPA, and you'll see that there aren't packages for nautilus elementary and the elegant-gnome packages don't depend on the nautilus elementary. To install it you have to manually add the nautilus elementary PPA and install the package from there.

The only thing that comes to mind, you have removed the nautilus elementary package previously, but you haven't removed the nautilus elementary ppa from the sources list. And when you ran the "sudo apt-get upgrade" command during the elegant-gnome installation, you have updated the nautilus to elementary automatically. So the solution for you is to remove the nautilus elementary package and don't forget to remove the nautilus elementary ppa from the sources list.

Re: Nautilus elementary
Dec 1 2010  on content Elegant Gnome Pack

Script does NOT install anything. The installation of the Nautilus Elementary is optional and this is your choise to install it or not. In the "Configure Nautilus" menu entry you just change the style for the nautilus in gtk theme. The GTK theme is preconfigured to use with the regular Nautilus. If you've installed the Nautilus Elementary, so you have to choose the "Configure Nautilus -> Nautilus Elementery" menu entry.


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