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Re: Re: Help with Ubuntu installation
Sep 13 2008  on content Resizeable Tux Cursor!

I have been posting there and other linux forums before posting here, still no response on any apart from you, I have given up on it now. Thanks anyway.

Re: 0.4 version of TuxCursor
Aug 14 2008  on Discussion

And to the possible suggestion of trying the ubuntu forum.... already trying so far no answers.

0.4 version of TuxCursor
Aug 14 2008  on Discussion

Has anyone successfully installed the following...


... in Ubuntu 8.04.1

I can install it but it has some really weird effects until I go back to another cursor. Effects like Terminal wont load, when asked for a user password to do anything su the password dialogue closes after the first character is typed - effectively rendering root in-accessible, strange alterations in graphical settings and having to re-install nvidia graphics driver again afterwards.

I am extracting to desktop, moving index.theme from default folder into tuxcursor folder, where the sub-folder cursors resides, then moving the whole tuxcursors folder to ~/.icons in my home/username/

The cursor then becomes selectable in system/preferences/appearance customize pointer

After selecting I do get the cursor, but accompanied by the above problems.

Help with Ubuntu installation
Aug 14 2008  on content Resizeable Tux Cursor!

Currently on Ubuntu this really messed up my installation (although I am no authority on the subject - Linux noob).
I place your index.theme out of the default folder into main tuxcursor folder (which seems to be the general consensus since default no longer valid), which also has the sub folder cursors, then place tuxcursor folder into ~/.icons
I can then select your cursor in compiz config appearance/custom/cursor.

It works but.. size 32 main cursor, all the rest are HUGE, worse still my terminal no longer functions, I lose a lot of desktop graphical settings which is further compounded by root access is stopped because entering a password no longer works.
I then have to choose an original cursor and re-install graphics driver before I can get my settings and terminal and password functionality back to normal. Love the cursor, unfortunately bad vote here.


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