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Theme looks good but...
Nov 29 2008  on content Progex Official Themes

Hey, Great lookin theme. However, Im wondering if Im the only one where the coloring isn't changing in the Metacity themes. I have the most recent Murrine engine from SVN. All other murrine themes change the metacity colors properly but this one. Not sure why :(

A better place...
Mar 5 2008  on Discussion

I have been starting to use and frequent deviantart website more for gnome themes and such. Its more organized and less garbage.

There are alot of wonderfull and creative people who put alot of work in there themes and need/should be recognized for there true work.

Unfortanetly this site has been going to the dogs. Too much distro specific crap, unrelated wallpapers, etc.

Not trying to sound like a troll but if people less frequent here maybe gnome-look will actually get off there butt and start cleaning this site up to be for actual gnome stuff.

Just my 2 cents.

Re: Yeah
Mar 5 2008  on group Tired of Ubuntu Wallpapers!

I agree 1000%. I have yet to make a comment till now. I pretty laid back, but it has gotten bad.

There is nothing more irritating. This is for gnome-looks not Ubuntu, Debian etc looks. If I want specifics I would goto those sites.

I'm sure many users would cry and wine if gnome themes/wallpapers/etc were posted with windows logos or kde logos on every other submission.. gnome stuff works there too and maybe someone wants there gnome stuff to match there kde.

Just wish this site was moderated better.


Very Nice
Dec 7 2007  on content clearlooks grey

I like it. Very crisp and clean. I've gotten tired of the everything looking bubblish. This is nice.

By the way.. what Metacity (or WindowManager) theme is that?


Just WOW!
Dec 1 2007  on content Aurora Unified Suite (Preview)

Hey this really looks great. Actually one of the first themes that Im really lookin forward too. Very creative.

I can't wait for it to be released. If you can it would be really nice if you took advantage of the color changing ability of the gtk-themes. Its nice to have only one theme that you can change without having a dozen themes of the same thing.

Lookin Great!!!


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