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Re: Linux Awareness
Dec 29 2009  on group

Talking of a specific geographical area, Ontario and Canada in general are not Linux hotbeds mainly due to the volume of American Micro$oft and Apple advertising inundating the country. Linux for all the benefits and ease of use is mainly a University student OS.. While visiting the local university with my son, pre-enrollment, Apple had a booth set up touting their hardware and software. When asked if Linux could be placed on their laptops and desktops, the salesman jumped right in and touted the benefits of putting the OS on their equipment.. course their equipment was 2.5 times the cost of a PC box... But Linux is recognized by the "Big Boys" (equipment), it's just a matter of getting the word out to the masses. While Europe has LUGS in almost every major city, other than Toronto, Ottawa, and Kitchener I know of no other LUGS. We are not getting the word out that there is an alternative.

As for Distros, each Linux user has their favourite OS and Windows Manager. I personally prefer KDE and for an OS, OpenSuSE. But if I can get 2 people to start using Linux and they start get 2.. so on and so on.

A simple solution for getting Linux to the masses. When you burn a new version's iso, burn a few more copies (preferably Live CD's/DVD's) and give them out to people.. if they get their hands on a physical disk, they might look at it and be converted.

Re: Re: Re: Windows must die!
Dec 20 2009  on group

So am I, at least for a few more months... and office also...

But it's still doesn't make up for the monopolistic, demonic and incompetence that pervades the M$ enviro.

Re: Windows must die!
Dec 19 2009  on group

So must the M$ minions i.e. Equipment manufacturers, who insist on creating fantastic products then sticking a Window$ (gag) only label on them. Give us the info you'll sell a lot more product.


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