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Re: xfwm4 problem
Oct 4 2014  on content Sage


Looks like you got a corrupt download,
the dropbox pic. is not even Sage but looks
like a faulty Chi2 xfwm theme.

I re-downloaded Sage, backed up my original
and replaced with this version and there
is no difference.

I am in Xfce4.10 at this moment with no problems
with or without compositing.

If you want to wait a few days, I am porting
over my latest IceWm theme Sage-Fresh with
bigger title buttons, and I might make a change
or two the old Sage xfwm theme. Plus,
I have some gtk2 theme changes expressly for
Xfce panel.

If you have my Christmas theme Cranberry, try
that xfwm theme, For a different look.

Been busy trying to get things buttoned up for
winter. I will try to work it in this weekend.

Re: Beautiful!
Sep 10 2014  on content Sage

Thanks Bob,

You made my day!

It has been a long rocky road,
I finally feel comfortable using Gimp.

Here is a little secret, I use gcolor2,
in tandem with Gimp, using gcolor2; color
picker helps me set Gimps colorize options.
It is a real time saver and helps get
the colors dead on.

take care,

Re: Hi,
Aug 30 2014  on content 02_Air

Thanks, buddy!

What do you say? ....
Let's Rock this House!

Re: cursor size
Aug 16 2014  on content Maya Serie

I do not use Chrome or Chromium, but I went
ahead and installed google-Chrome36.0.1985.143.
Set my .Xdefaults or .Xresourses to
Xcursor.size: 64
restarted my desktop and opened Chrome,
wala a big huge pointer.
Then I reset the size to
Xcursor.size: 40
Closed Chrome and restarted my desktop
Re-opened Chrome
Ahh, a mid-large pointer that fits my laptop
You are using an X11 mouse theme, would not
it be better to control it using a X11 conf
file rather than using dconf setting?
So it seems Chrome is picking up your
default X11 mouse settings rather than your
desktop settings through dconf.

Hope this helps

Re: Re: Re: Orange Theme
Aug 16 2014  on content Maya Serie

You may find this Arch wiki helpful,
Xresources is a user-level configuration dotfile, typically located at ~/.Xresources. It can be used to set X resources, which are configuration parameters for X client applications.

for example here is mine> you can do many more things, but I just set some general guides and do the rest through lxappearance.
! Xft settings ---------------------------------------------------------------
!! dpi: 96, 102, 120 and fractional
!! easily find the dpi of any screen http://dpi.lv/ or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dot_pitch
Xft.dpi: 112
Xft.antialias: true
Xft.rgba: rgb
Xft.hinting: full
Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
Xcursor.size: 40
!! 64,56,48,40,32,24 or 16 pixels

please note you will have to restart your desktop
enviroment or window manager for these changes
to take affect.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Great shape, clean lines
Aug 15 2014  on content Maya Serie

Sounds good Marko!

Re: Re: Great shape, clean lines
Aug 11 2014  on content Maya Serie


Okay, whipped out gcolor2, a couple of my themes,
some screenshots of collected web items, buttons

Here is a list of a few color combo's.
Some fill and outline may have to be switched,
to look right, or maybe, it might be easier to
just colorize the whole pointer.

I noticed that the pointer, has some transparency
so it might be more apparent with some of the
lighter colors.

A green ?
fill color = #798560
outline color = #DAE6C3

A red ?
fill color = #AA1C1C
outline color = #AD8C50

A sun yellow ?
fill color = #FFE888
outline color = #6B635C

A perriwinkle ?
fill color = #B27CFF
outline color = #7D7380

A brown ?
fill color = #4D4841
outline color = #C5C5C5

A sky blue ?
fill color = #B0C4CD
outline color = #4DC4FF

Tried to keep the saturation down in most of
the fill colors, but really have no idea, how
it would look as a pointer theme.

Anyway, I will leave that in your expert hands.

Again thanks for sharing this theme.

Great shape, clean lines
Aug 9 2014  on content Maya Serie

I have been following your development of this
pointer theme, each update an wonderful improvement.
Just love the nice clean lines and being able to
adjust the size. Now all I need is a few different
color choices ;)

Thanks, for making this pleasant theme.
also, thanks for your meticulous care in
creating all your themes, as I know for sure
each and everyone will work as it should.

Re: Air Theme
Jul 21 2014  on content 02_Air

I have spent over a month, reworking this theme.
Your appreciation is warmly received.

Re: not work
Jul 21 2014  on content 02_Air

Not enough information.
Is it showing up in your gtk2 theme selector?
Are you having problems, extracting the .tar.bz2?
Do you have pixmap engine installed?
Are you placing the files at ~/.themes or /usr/share/themes?
The best way is to manually place the extracted
folder 02_Air not 166240-02_Air in your home
directory, ~/.themes, if you do not have a .themes folder, just create one, your gtk2
theme manager is designed to check for themes
at this location and it will show there.


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