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Re: Re: Re: installation
Oct 14 2010  on content Finery-Sun

try to install the package p7zip ! Besides that, the Package also includes the Humanity icon-theme from Karmic for the better appearance. it's better to decompress the files and then moving the folders to the right directorys. the folder in Gtk-Theme you should extract to /home/????/.themes/ and the folder in icon-theme you should extract to /home/????/.icons/

Re: installation
Oct 14 2010  on content Finery-Sun

I am using maverick, but i think that the murrine engine in lucid is older. Try to install murrine-git via the terminal or use a launchpad package. If it does not work anyway, then reinstall your deafault murrine engine and wait for an update on my theme where i have removed the uninteropable options.

But i find time hardly now.

Re: Re: Re: Why is this being rated do
Oct 12 2010  on content Finery-Sun

Thank you for your screenshot. I will take care of this.

Re: Re: Re: Why is this being
Oct 12 2010  on content Finery-Sun

I have switched often between distros and i always turned back to ubuntu. Nevertheless i can understand that you are fed up with ubuntu related themes, but themes on ubuntu-art.com are visible on gnome-look.org as well and the other way.

Re: Why is this being rated do
Oct 12 2010  on content Finery-Sun

Firstly the rating downs: I dont know where they come from, but I think the reason are some bugs with nautilus especially the scrollbars.

Concerning your particular problem. I will create a nautilus-elementary cofig file, as soon as I finished the nautilus scrollbar bug and found some time.

I released it because the nautilus scrollbar bug isnt that bad, but I did not came to the idea to try it with nautilus elementary.

Greets AresRog

Re: Awesome AWesome AWEsome !!!!
Oct 11 2010  on content Finery-Sun

Thanks a lot for your comment. I haven't read such an positive comment for a long time.

Anyway, I have to thank Canonical for such a perfect base. Many accents and styles wouldn't have found their way into the theme, if the Canonical Design Team wouldn't have programmed it such perfectly.

Jul 31 2010  on content Dummy X11 cursors

Most of the names of the png's are self explaining, but what to do with the other ones, which have a complicated name.

I suggest, that you use the png from a real cursor theme instead of the png's with a number.

Re: Re: good job
Jul 20 2010  on content Plymouth Hemi 'Cuda Green


I found the Wallpaper in an BackUp-Folder. Included in the Archive!

Re: Very Nice
Jul 20 2010  on content Plymouth Hemi 'CUDA Rusty

I didn't found Neotech font for free download - I always had to purchase it.

If you have a download link, I will try it.

Besides that, I have used the Font "Fontin" as it looks like the font which is used in the PS3 game Uncharted 2. I always had its concept art in mind when creating this theme.


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