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How do you rate KDE 3.2 Beta 2?

Posted by Yaba on Dec 15 2003
Better than KDE 3.1.4 (in terms of speed and stability, NOT features)14%14%14% 14%
Stable enough for everyday use10%10%10% 10%
Stable enough for non-critical tasks.6%6%6% 6%
Considered that it's a Beta version, very good.13%13%13% 13%
Good, but some minor problems6%6%6% 6%
Several minor problems3%3%3% 3%
It still has some grave bugs3%3%3% 3%
It crashes too often3%3%3% 3%
Haven't tried it yet43%43%43% 43%
Votes: 576

 Difference in distro

 by reignbow on: Dec 16 2003
Score 50%

I have to admit, this seems to depend on the distro a great deal. Back when I still used Gentoo, Beta1 ran stable as you please (of course, it was custom-compiled for my box. Took forever, too.). When I recently tried Beta2 under SuSE 9.0, the kwin process regularly started eating up 100% CPU and blocking the input devices, requiring me to log in via ssh and kill it. I had a lot of hassle getting my system back to a reasonably stable modus operandi. When KDE3.2 is released, I might try it again, but no earlier (at least not with SuSE).

Note: This in no way reflects on the stability of SuSE, which is actually quite good. It's probably just a coincidence, or maybe an error made by the packagers.

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 by Yaba on: Dec 16 2003
Score 50%

I plan to redo this poll after each beta release so that we can see the progress of the Beta releases.

Are there any comments on this poll? Any suggestions for more options?

...my wife complained that I do not pay attention...or something like that...
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 Pain Relief

 by linuksamiko on: May 30 2006
Score 50%

" Low back pain

" Low back pain

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 About KDE 3.2 beta 2

 by djworld on: Dec 17 2003
Score 50%

I compiled and installed it on my laptop with Konstruct under Fedora Core 1. I have to say Konstruct is impressive; it automatically downloaded the required libraries and nearly-all compiled perfectly. Some packages failed the compilation, but with a few easy tricks I managed to finally compile and install everything. It works very well and the look is refreshing. A few programs fail, like KFind, which crashes very often and many times I can't even start it because it crashes just when I'm starting it. But anyway, in general, it's very stable. I've had more problems related to the compilation process than with its stability or speed because I've installed it on /usr/local/kde (this way I just have to remove this directory to uninstall it) while the built-in KDE 3.1.4 which Fedora carried was installed in /usr, so many programs couldn't find KDE/Qt's libraries.

I don't like a few of the changes they have made in KDE 3.2 (mainly related to the configuration dialogs), but in general it's better than KDE 3.1. Good work, folks!

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