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What distro do you use?

Posted by theobroma on Nov 11 2004
Mandrake17%17%17% 17%
Fedora/Red Hat11%11%11% 11%
Novell/Suse21%21%21% 21%
Debian13%13%13% 13%
Gentoo17%17%17% 17%
Knoppix1%1%1% 1%
Linspire1%1%1% 1%
Mepis2%2%2% 2%
Slackware10%10%10% 10%
Other (please comment)6%6%6% 6%
Votes: 4297
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 Mandrakelinux 10.1

 by h1k3r on: Nov 13 2004
Score 50%

Mandrakelinux rocks!!!
urpmi is AWESOME!!!

No other distro can even touch Mandrakelinux, IMHO ;)

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 Re: Mandrakelinux 10

 by lokheed on: Nov 14 2004
Score 50%
Titan Creations

Umm, ok. I dont know about that...it's a bold satement I'll give you that.

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 Re: Mandrakelinux 10.1

 by reignbow on: Nov 14 2004
Score 50%

Your enthusiasm is laudable, hoever... well, let's say I stopped making statements like that after I first visited Distrowatch and realised just how many other distros I'd never be able to even try.

Personally, I use Suse 9.2, which is stable, deals well with hardware, has a lot of applications. Sometimes it has different ideas about my system than I do, but that can usually be dealt with.

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 Re: Re: Mandrakelinu

 by h1k3r on: Nov 14 2004
Score 50%

Does the acronym IMHO mean anything to you?

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 Re: Mandrakelinux 10.1

 by sheedee on: Nov 14 2004
Score 50%

I've been there... I used mandrake since 9.0 came out and after 10.0 I finaly lost my nerves and moved to SuSE 9.2. It's much better i must say ;)

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 gentoo rulez

 by jmboris on: Nov 14 2004
Score 50%

there is nothing more to say !

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 Re: gentoo rulez

 by leinir on: Nov 14 2004
Score 50%
KDE/Amarok, KDE/Gluon

www.funroll-loops.org - there is nothing more to say ;)

..Dan // Leinir

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 by gogodidi on: Nov 14 2004
Score 50%

I currently own a pc, which runs mandrakelinux on one partition and windows xp on the other. I prefer Linux, but sometimes I am forced to go back to windows to work on somethings (php, games etc. I just find that I can create web applications better on windows, it's kinda starange, I suppose it's just the missing software.

I am planning to buy a laptop and then I will install Linux on my desktop (I have downlaoded a few, so I will try them out (gentoo, redhat, fedora core, madrake 10.1 community, xandros, etc. then all will be well, i've only tried one, Mandrake, So i cannot really say which is the best.

I will however, stay away from suse, and lindows (ones like that) as they remind me too much of windows.. kinda defy the point.

Some people have told me they don't think a fat penguin really embodies the grace of Linux, which just tells me they have never seen a angry penguin charging at them in excess of 100mph. They'd be a l
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 I'm using Aurox 10

 by mbugs on: Nov 14 2004
Score 50%
mbugs software

visit www.aurox.org !!

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 Conectiva 10

 by gnemmi on: Nov 14 2004
Score 50%

Some years ago, and after trying several distros, I decided it was time for me to give Conectiva Linux a go. I downloaded Conectiva Linux 8, popped the cd in and made a default install.

Since then I've been a Conectiva Linux user and I've never looked back.

I'd found the distro that suits me :)

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 I switched to Yoper

 by piranha2001 on: Nov 14 2004
Score 50%

It's very nice and I like it because it's so kde'ish!

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 Re: I switched to Yo

 by DavidiaN on: Nov 14 2004
Score 50%

I used Mandrake 10 before, and I must say I do like the distro very much. It's very user friendly even for Linux n00bs (like me ;)) but I read up on Yoper and just dl-ed the distro and I must say that it looks very promising. The one thing I still like to know is can u just install rpm packages with i.e. KPackage just as easy on Yoper as it would be on Mandrake?
And if so.. does the rpm have to be i686 architecture or would let's say an i586 arch rpm do the trick as well?

Windows? Sure I have windows... all around the house.
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 Re: I switched to Yoper

 by leinir on: Nov 14 2004
Score 50%
KDE/Amarok, KDE/Gluon

I just had a quick look at some screenshots and, before doing any technical assesments of this very clean looking distribution, it stuck me with quite some force, that they show screenshots of Evolution, and not Kontact. It thus suddenly seems a lot less KDEish to me... But, again, very clean looking, at least at a first skimming look :)

..Dan // Leinir

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