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Missing TV Series?

Posted by Yaba on Jul 17 2006
Desperate Hackers16%16%16% 16%
Linux and the City12%12%12% 12%
24/7 (and still running)9%9%9% 9%
The Torvalds (reality soap)8%8%8% 8%
The L Word (the one that really matters)4%4%4% 4%
The 404 (not found)12%12%12% 12%
Scripts (Newbies learning shell script)4%4%4% 4%
Emergency Root5%5%5% 5%
The X11 Files25%25%25% 25%
6 Files Under4%4%4% 4%
Other2%2%2% 2%
Votes: 1829
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 by atomicue on: Jul 21 2006
Score 50%

Everybody Loves (Eric S.) Raymond
Everybody Hates (Eric S.) Raymond

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 Suggestion for film

 by DolorSitAmet on: Jul 23 2006
Score 50%

What about "March of Pinguins"?

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 People without tv

 by jazztyle on: Jul 24 2006
Score 50%

And what about those people who have no TV, like me for example... I just dont like TV ;)

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 Re: People without tv

 by blaster999 on: Jul 24 2006
Score 50%

Buy a TV tuner :)

It is not the size of the hammer that counts. It's how you wield it.
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 another one...

 by trinket on: Jul 26 2006
Score 50%

Geek's Anatomy

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 by shafff on: Jul 27 2006
Score 50%

i dont like watching tv as well, but every monday i dl new episode of 404, then wait for english subtitles and enjoy them both

its funny that new episode translated to russian (audio, not just subs) is usually available earlier then english subtitles for the original :)

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 another one

 by RompeRatones on: Jul 29 2006
Score 50%

suddenly SuSe

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