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- Poll . 

Number of programming languages you are using:

Posted by Yaba on Oct 3 2004
012%12%12% 12%
112%12%12% 12%
220%20%20% 20%
323%23%23% 23%
413%13%13% 13%
59%9%9% 9%
65%5%5% 5%
72%2%2% 2%
80%0%0% 0%
9 and more5%5%5% 5%
Votes: 1518
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 My preferred langs

 by blaster999 on: Oct 4 2004
Score 50%

  1. C
  2. C++ (yes, C and C++ are quite different IMO)
  3. Java (I write in kate and compile using an embedded console)
  4. Python (for personal needs - I'm not a good Python coder at all)

I also know Pascal but don't use it cause I don't like it. And I am forced to use Visual Basic for Applications at university (VBA's total crap, really). Damn those micro$oft lovers who are forcing us to use MS office at our university. This is stupid, keeping in mind that MS won't last as long as the next 5-10 years (and nobody will remember them and VBA after their collapse).

It is not the size of the hammer that counts. It's how you wiled it.
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 2 for me

 by TSDgeos on: Oct 5 2004
Score 50%

C++ at KDE work
Java at the place i work

I really like C++ much more over Java, i know several others C, Eiffel, PHP, etc but i don't either like not use them.

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 my list

 by cloose on: Oct 5 2004
Score 50%

I known some more but I'm actually using "just" four languages:

  • C++ (Cervisia)

  • Delphi (work)

  • RPG/400 III (work/iSeries)

  • ABAP Objects (work/SAP)

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 Old ones

 by rbruch on: Oct 5 2004
Score 50%

It's Ok to include old ones as Clipper and RM-COBOL?


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 4 4 me

 by arunark7 on: Oct 6 2004
Score 50%

At present am useing 4 languages
1) Java (Regular)
2) Perl (Regular)
3) PHP (Rare)
4) Flash ActionScript (Heavy)

Evene though i user jsp but icosider it as a version of java only.

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 by shafff on: Oct 7 2004
Score 50%

we are forced to use pascal and lisp at our university

python has good perspective unlike perl.
dont know what chances has mono, but it will likely replace java...

Nick Shaforostoff, KDE Russian Translation Team
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