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Who will win the FIFA World Cup?

Posted by Yaba on May 29 2006
Argentina4%4%4% 4%
Brazil18%18%18% 18%
Costa Rica0%0%0% 0%
Croatia1%1%1% 1%
England3%3%3% 3%
France3%3%3% 3%
Germany12%12%12% 12%
Italy5%5%5% 5%
Netherlands3%3%3% 3%
Mexico1%1%1% 1%
Poland9%9%9% 9%
Portugal2%2%2% 2%
South Korea0%0%0% 0%
Spain3%3%3% 3%
Togo, of course2%2%2% 2%
USA2%2%2% 2%
The Sponsors6%6%6% 6%
I don't care6%6%6% 6%
WTF? World cup on KDE-Look???16%16%16% 16%
Other4%4%4% 4%
Votes: 5075
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 Hey Guys...

 by slick83 on: May 29 2006
Score 50%
software analyst

.. you forgot .... Czech Republic of course !!! Nobody else can win this ;-)

Czech Republic !!!!

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 Re: Hey Guys...

 by michal on: May 29 2006
Score 50%

Czech national team is "only" second one in Fifa's World raking (http://www.fifa.com/en/mens/statistics/index.html). But guys on kde-apps.org believe, that South Korea, Togo, or Poland are better :-D

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 Re: Re: Hey Guys...

 by Yaba on: May 29 2006
Score 50%

To be honest... I have no clue about soccer and which team is better... I just picked a few.

So please excuse my ignorance of the great Czech team.


I blog, therefore I am.
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 by author on: May 29 2006
Score 50%

germany of course :D

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 by Hintzy on: May 31 2006
Score 50%

yeah! :-D

There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.
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 world cup

 by ALIUM on: May 29 2006
Score 50%
Linux user, bug reporter, tester

Czech Republic

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 Re: world cup

 by watzke on: May 29 2006
Score 50%

Yeah, dude! :D

Nejhorší IM je ICQ.com!
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 by shades on: May 31 2006
Score 50%
Minho's University

Get real, either Brazil, Italy, Argentina or Portugal...

ma bitx is mine
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 Who knows?

 by animeunrivaled on: May 31 2006
Score 50%

If it wasn't for Rooney getting hurt, I'd say the optimal final would be between Brazil and England. As it is now, I'm thinking Brazil should win it. That, of course, is no indication whatsoever as to how the cup will actually turn out.

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 Brazil rocks!

 by studioz on: May 31 2006
Score 50%
Rodnei Reis Fotografia

Sorry guys, but the Cup is ours, again :-)

"O hoje é apenas um furo no futuro / Por onde o passado começa a jorrar" - Banquete de Lixo, Raul Seixas and Marcelo Nova.
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 Re: Brazil rocks!

 by Yaba on: May 31 2006
Score 50%

I guess brazil might have a serious problem. It's pretty cold and rainy in Germany and their female fans will have to wear much warmer cloths than usual.

I blog, therefore I am.
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 Re: Re: Brazil rocks

 by slick83 on: May 31 2006
Score 50%
software analyst

LOL You're damn right ;-)

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