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Busy hacking... What food?

Posted by Yaba on Jun 14 2004
Pizza10%10%10% 10%
Pizza, extra large15%15%15% 15%
Party pizza1%1%1% 1%
Refrigerated pizza6%6%6% 6%
Microwave noodles4%4%4% 4%
Chinese food from the delivery service11%11%11% 11%
Nothing. I am on a diet anyway.9%9%9% 9%
Dude, you forgot to mention 'Pizza'19%19%19% 19%
Don't care if it does not get in the way while hacking and keeps me up.25%25%25% 25%
Votes: 1237
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 by Yaba on: Jun 14 2004
Score 50%

"What kind of Pizza do you like?"

No, no... just kidding. This will not get a let's-talk-about-food site.

Anywat feel free to post your comments here:

- Diablo?
- Quattro Stagioni?
- Funghi?
- American style? (Way too much cheese on it and much the opposite of crispy)
- ...

To mess up a Linux box, you need to work at it; to mess up your Windows box, you just need to work on it.
- Scott Granneman, Security Focus

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 by djworld on: Jun 14 2004
Score 50%

Pizza? What's pizza? I haven't heard about anything called 'pizza'. ;D

Wow! Five options about pizza... you should go to your psychiatrist. :P

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 pizza nation?

 by shafff on: Jun 14 2004
Score 50%

do you guys know what means "varenyky"?
and what about "SALO" (dont sure of its correct translation: fat || lard || suet)

Nickolai Shaforostoff, KDE Russian Translation Team
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 Re: pizza nation?

 by Yaba on: Jun 15 2004
Score 50%

"Varenyky"? Hm... Russian Pizza?


To mess up a Linux box, you need to work at it; to mess up your Windows box, you just need to work on it.
- Scott Granneman, Security Focus

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 Re: Re: pizza nation?

 by Sudonix on: Jun 15 2004
Score 50%

No, those are the white buttery things that look like pizza pockets with lots of potatoes that somehow jump into sour cream and straight into your (hopefully open) mouth :))) (okay, you know what I'm talking about :)
Oh, I don't think they're Russian, either :)

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 Re: Re: Re: pizza nation?

 by Yaba on: Jun 15 2004
Score 50%

Ah.. I see... Potato Pizza!


To mess up a Linux box, you need to work at it; to mess up your Windows box, you just need to work on it.
- Scott Granneman, Security Focus

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 Re: Re: pizza nation?

 by dima on: Jun 17 2004
Score 50%

No way! "Varenyky" are not Russian pizza.
They're kind of like Chinese potstickers, except they have different kinds of fillings, like berries, potatos, cabbage, or cottage cheese.

And Salo... um... It's Salo. Kind of like bacon, except not.

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 by drealoth on: Jun 15 2004
Score 50%

Someone needs to invent caffinated pizza ;)

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 Re: re

 by Steels on: Jun 15 2004
Score 50%
Wu-Tang Clan

step 1: patentate caffeine pizza
step 2: ?????
step 3: Profit!

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 by xam on: Jun 16 2004
Score 50%

Well, why aren't there more alternatives in this poll?

I don't like pizza so my favourite is ice cream, chochlat and ...

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 Hooray for pizza

 by jsoffer on: Jun 17 2004
Score 50%

Although actually most of the time I hack while munching fruit, all kinds. Sliced apple is my favorite with lemon juice and lots of sauce, yummy.

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