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Your favourite instant messenger?

Posted by Yaba on Sep 24 2003
Kopete35%35%35% 35%
Sim9%9%9% 9%
Licq9%9%9% 9%
Gaim27%27%27% 27%
Gabber1%1%1% 1%
Yahoo Messenger2%2%2% 2%
other9%9%9% 9%
I don't use any IM client.8%8%8% 8%
Votes: 955
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 by Yaba on: Sep 24 2003
Score 50%

Just for the case anybody is interested: My ICQ# is 12750252

Hey Frank! Would be great to have a possibility to specify IM contact info in the user info page.

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 I use gaim

 by reks on: Sep 24 2003
Score 50%

because kopete doesn't have proxy support for oscar/yahoo/msn/icq plugins.

And yea, I agree with Yaba for putting up IM contact info in the user-info page. herez my ICQ#: 157222707

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 by Chromakode on: Sep 24 2003
Score 50%

Good pool :)

I've been using gaim for a long time, because it's very reliable and consistent. If I could trust kopete not to disconnect without letting me know, I would be using it. I can't wait till tonight... according to the devel lists they're planning to release .69 with metacontact support!

Goody, new toys :D

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 SIM vs. Licq

 by Yaba on: Sep 25 2003
Score 50%

I'm really astonished, that so much people prefer Licq against SIM. Is it just because Licq is more popular and more in use, but SIM is not well known?

Well, if you are using Licq and haven't seen SIM, you should do that: http://sim-icq.sourceforge.net

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 Re: SIM vs. Licq

 by optikSmoke on: Sep 30 2003
Score 50%

I second that! I used licq for long time until I discovered sim. It's just more stable, and things like file transfer work much better. It is, IMHO, a great IM client.

Matthew Kay

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 Re: SIM vs. Licq

 by gvs on: Oct 1 2003
Score 50%

I tried SIM after your post, and it is really cool.

There's one thing where it seems to fail for me though, when I set myself invisible (I find it handy sometimes), I'm still visible in other clients (Licq, ICQLite, ...)
Licq does the invisibility right.

It's fine in any other ways.

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 for the record

 by Xastor on: Sep 26 2003
Score 50%

I prefer psi :)

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 other giiii???

 by nunopinheiro on: Sep 26 2003
Score 50%

i use kmess and its great :)

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