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State of KDE 4?

Posted by Yaba on May 8 2008
KDE 4.0.4 is the best Desktop ever6%6%6% 6%
I am using it every day in production4%4%4% 4%
Big improvements have been made.5%5%5% 5%
Noticable improvements, but still some polishing required13%13%13% 13%
Some great features I cannot live without1%1%1% 1%
Nice, but not good enough yet.14%14%14% 14%
Some minor bugs keep me at KDE 3.5.x10%10%10% 10%
I am missing some features10%10%10% 10%
Still too buggy for daily use20%20%20% 20%
Haven't tried it yet. KDE 3.5.x is unbeatable16%16%16% 16%
Votes: 2392
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 Just tried 4.0.4

 by Yaba on: May 8 2008
Score 50%

and finally - yeah - I can assign global shortcuts containing the META key again.

Unfortunately there are still some glitches that prevent me from using KDE 4 on my laptop, like crashes, when changing the resolution using xrandr.

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 Still unstable

 by Dapper on: May 10 2008
Score 50%

I have not tried 4.0.4 but I am using 4.1 from trunk and it is still highly unstable, Plasma crashes every time you try and change the size of the panel or remove the panel etc etc, I think I will wait for 4.1 until I use KDE 4 as my main desktop (even though it makes KDE 3 look outdated)

The space-conceived cockroaches grew more quickly, and also grew up to be faster and tougher.
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 hard to decide

 by janet on: May 10 2008
Score 50%

Nice look but not yet usable. Much too unstable. A lot of bugs keep me at KDE 3.5 and I am missing a lot of KDE 3.5 features, still too buggy for daily use; KDE 3.5 is unbeatable because it's much easier and better to customize in look and feel and usability.

Can someone please port tastymenu to KDE4 and create a KDE 3.5 like taskbar widget? The KDE4 taskbar is pure horror to me with its autoresizing icons, text in three rows from which only the first few letters are visible, entries widely spread all over the panel.

Want Debian Sid with spices? Get sidux at sidux.com - it simply works :)
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 by AMO88 on: May 11 2008
Score 50%

Still waiting for KDE 4.1 because I need Kontact, but I don't want to mix versions.

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 I need usable kopete

 by enef on: May 11 2008
Score 50%

i have only one demand: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=159482

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 I need usable kopete

 by enef on: May 11 2008
Score 50%

i have only one demand: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=159482

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