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 Keep in Mind

 by Yaba on: Jan 17 2004
Score 50%

I think, one thing that people need to keep in mind ist that while it's easy to use gradients and thousand of colors in a digital image, it may not be suitable to be printed on a T-Shirt.

So what if we get the highest votes for a logo that is technically not suitable?

...my wife complained that I do not pay attention...or something like that...
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 digital printing

 by artur on: Jan 17 2004
Score 50%

It is infact very possible to print any digital image on a mug and shirt. If you have ever done it before, you can see that the transformation from digital to physical printing techniques have been well perfected. If you print a photo on a shirt.. which has the real life shading and color you can see how good it looks.

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 Re: digital printing

 by Yaba on: Jan 17 2004
Score 50%

Of course it's possible, but it's much more expensive. It's even more expensive, if you want to print it on a T-shirt that is not white (e.g. black). In addition to that "Crystal" like icons might not look as good on a T-shirt as on a screen. Don't know though. Haven't ever seen crystal icons on a T-shirt ;-)

...my wife complained that I do not pay attention...or something like that...
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 by artur on: Jan 22 2004
Score 50%

Is this whoever has the most votes or whoever has the most good votes or whoever has the highest percentage?

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 by Yaba on: Jan 23 2004
Score 50%

I also think, that the rules should be refined.

One suggestion: After Feb 8 reset all votings, don't accept new submissions and updates, and give the users one week to vote for the final candidate.

There have been very good additions recently and there may come some more. However they won't get the attention they deserve, since other's already got a lot of votes.

...my wife complained that I do not pay attention...or something like that...
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 Re: Rules

 by norbalin on: Feb 4 2004
Score 50%

Yes, but i think no voting. Too much manipulation here.....

I think the KDE Project people should just choose the logo they like, end.
An "internal voting"...

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