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Become part of the Social Desktop

Become part of the Social Desktop

By Frank
Published: May 3 2009

The Social Desktop becomes reality. A first basic implementation for KDE is done and will be part of KDE 4.3 We need more help especially for GNOME and other free Software Integration.

Become part of the Social Desktop

At last year's Akademy the vision of the Social Desktop was born and first presented to a larger audience. The concept behind the Social Desktop is to bring the power of online communities and group collaboration to desktop applications and the desktop shell itself. One of the strongest assets of the Free Software community is its worldwide community of contributors and users who belief in free software and who work hard to bring the software and solutions to the mainstream. You can find more of this conceptual background on the slides from the keynote at Akademy 2008. http://www.open-collaboration-services.org/socialdesktop.pdf

All the data from the opneDesktop.org websites is accessible via the open collaboration services api: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/open-collaboration-services

You can find more information, screenshots and a demo video about the KDE implementation here: http://dot.kde.org/2009/05/01/social-desktop-starts-arrive

Become part of the Social Desktop

We are looking for more help especially for other Desktops and Free Software.
Ideas are:

- More plasmoids using the Open Collaboration Services API

- Knowledgebase plasmoid: a plasmoid where users can directly query an online knowledge base system. For example a searchline, most popular questions from today and alltime. And a direct link to the person who asked the question and provided the answer. You can ask how you configure some specific option in KDE for example. You will get an answer or get the option to post this as an open question into the system.

- Activity plasmoid: For example.
* A friend of mine posted a new blog entry
* A friend of mine uploaded a new application or wallpaper on KDE-Look.org
* A friend of mine is going to the Linux User Group meeting tomorrow.
* There is an update for an application I am fan of
* A friend of mine committed a new feature in the KDE SVN
* Someone was on my profile page and offered me a KDE related job
* A friend of mine is now a fan of "Amarok"

- Microblogging screenlet for GNOME

- More Get Hot New Stuff (GHNS) integration in KDE

- Integration of GHNS in GNOME/XFCE/LXDE

- Enable mobile integration e.g. an app or theme downloader for Android

- Locate and find friends near you by implementing an Android friend finder

- Integrate the OCS API in your website or webservice (e.g. kde-forum.org did this)

- Create an OpenOffice.org addon that fetches templates from opentemplate.org

- Up/Download buttons in save dialogs from several apps (such as Blender, Scribus, Inkscape...)

- A Google Gadget which can fetch data (e.g. Wallpapers) from OCS compatible sites

If you are interested in helping us join the new "Social Desktop" group here:




 by Fri13 on: May 11 2009
Score 50%

This sounds interesting, but how about kopete integration as well? Like you could easily add persons near you to your contact list or share emails etc? Build a virtual public wall where every one could leave messages, like "Today the bar X is having football night!" ?

What is Linux and GNU/Linux?

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 Re: Interesting

 by Frank on: May 12 2009
Score 50%


this is a great idea. :-)

The plasmoid in KDE 4.3 can show you other KDE users near me. The OCS API provides you also with the instant messaging name of the user. So we need to show the messenger account of the user and launch kopete by clicking on it.

This should be very easy to do. :-)

We also plan to launch an event database for open source friends. So everybody can organize a Linux or KDE "party" and everybody in the same region gets an invitation.
This should be great for community building. :-)


Frank Karlitschek
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 Re: Re: Interesting

 by Fri13 on: May 12 2009
Score 50%

Because we have Twitter, Facebook and other such networking services, I think we could get something small kind done here. What would allow unknow people to meet and build new connections by that.

The public "note board" just came to mind. I went to local store and I always check out the notes what people leaves to store wall, where they are kept 2 weeks until store workers removes them.

They are always easily shown up so it is easy to check all kind info from there. Like someone is selling a baby chair, someone is selling a old sofa and someone is selling window cleaning services or baby sitting services. You can just grap a contact infos from that if intrested.

Why we should need eBay and other services if you just want to sell your small things fast out? Why we could not just leave a public note to area where we are and people could just browse them? Mayby somekinds tags would be needed to include this like "sell/devices/camera" etc.

Sometimes I would like to sell old stuff and some might be so heavy that they would need transportation. Then it is easier to understand that those who live near me, are better client than someone who lives over 200km away.

Mayby we could get multiple ranges/areas to this too. Like you could get search notes from only from the same address, notes from same street and then even from same city.

This kind could make twitter and group-emails more older technology.

Of course this means that you could just fake your address and read then others areas. What is good security on group-emails. Like sending email only for all the people who lives on the same building about the next council meeting etc.

Even that how sad it is, we need to think how this kind stuff can be used wrong way. So it really should be more like the normal public note board where people leaves notes, but would not leave there anything so personal info what could be used against them, even in accidental.

What is Linux and GNU/Linux?

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 by kiwibird on: May 17 2009
Score 50%

OpenDesktop.org could be more Social by following these simple steps:

1. get NoseRub integration http://noserub.com/

2. stop asking for more credentials after OpenID registration (isn't OpenID enough to start with? At the very least, this should be more of an "Hey, you should update your profile" thing)

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 Login doesn't work for me

 by bitcrazy on: Jun 4 2009
Score 50%

I tried to login with my opendesktop.org account. But login failed on api.opendesktop.org.
Password is 7 chars long
So I'm not able to test the plasma-widget in 4.3-beta


If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.
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