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 well well

 by AnXa on: Feb 21 2006
Score 50%

well well what have we here. Nice competor to XGL with better control...

When I see that working allright on my own desktop then I'll maybe start using it.

By the way, Fedora videos where too short and too blurry. Novell had much better video material...

-I just found out the source of my problems-
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 by csanchisb on: Feb 21 2006
Score 50%

But still nothing about any KDE integration... snif snif

Carlos Sanchis
Valencia (Spain)

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 Re: KDE

 by kwr2k on: Feb 27 2006
Score 50%

I agree. It almost seems like Novell and RedHat are giving KDE the stepmotherly treatment ...

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 Re: Re: KDE

 by tosta on: Mar 4 2006
Score 50%
Ekaaty Linux

Yes, the Novell/Redhat preference for GTK/Gnome bugs any KDE user! What's the Mandriva position? Our project Ekaaty denies GTK/Gnome.

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 Re: Re: Re: KDE

 by kwr2k on: Mar 9 2006
Score 50%

I heard Zack Rusin on the Linux Tech Show and he said Xegl is progressing fast. I wonder when we can see a quick-n-dirty alpha version of it . . .

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 Re: Re: KDE

 by sqwishy on: Dec 9 2006
Score 50%

um... i'm using edgy ububntu and when i installed the kde and logged in there i ran beryl-manager and it worked fine! of course that was aiglx/nvidia and beryl not compiz stuff. But its just another fork, not much different

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 Re: KDE

 by csanchisb on: Mar 14 2006
Score 50%

I was wrong, compiz is now split into compiz-kde and compiz-gnome, you can google for it. It's good news.

Carlos Sanchis
Valencia (Spain)

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 Re: Re: KDE

 by timcharper on: Mar 17 2006
Score 50%

it's a crying shame so many good resources are devoted to gnome, when they could go to improving KDE. I honestly don't understand why people use gnome, but I guess some people feel much more comfortable in that paradigm.

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 by Dandelion on: Feb 24 2006
Score 50%

I like things to be the simplest possible. X was no such thing anymore. Something that features over 16 million lines of code can't be the right thing (though it works). Novell is indeed on the right track though, of course, Fedora's effort deserves a lot of merit. KDE and other UNIX projects in general should also benefit from a code clean-up (I'm thinking of aRts and many others), for instance. Before it gets messier and drives everyone mad. ;)

Por mares nunca dantes navegados...
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 Re: Humm...

 by Fri13 on: Feb 26 2006
Score 50%

But X.org is going to be more simple, devs are making it as modular system (as kernel) and KDE is getting arts off from KDE and changing mediasystem to Gstreamer or other similar (Gstreamer was right now best). And Gnome is doing same as gettin esd(?) off from gnome.

KDE it just must be...
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 by peppelorum on: Feb 28 2006
Score 50%

David Reveman (the main code of XGL) has made a good remark regarding this, http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xorg/2006-February/013306.html

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 by shakagoldsaint on: Aug 6 2006
Score 50%

Nice reply

"So far I haven't heard a single argument for why X on OpenGL is a a bad
idea other than that it's a big step and a lot of work will have to be

Damn right!

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 Re: Re: XGL vs AIGLX

 by clearer on: Oct 22 2006
Score 50%

Well, the fact that OpenGL is damn slow on non-accelerated chips is a very good reason not to have X running through OpenGL.

I plan to install X, along with Linux, on my PDA very soon (need some parts to fix it first), and it doesn't even have a GPU, so having Xgl installed on that is a BIG no-no. AIGLX is also a no-no, sure, but if I have no option to disable OpenGL, I'm not going to use it.

I haven't tried Xgl at all, so if that's not how it works, just ignore my message. I just fear that making X be an OpenGL app, will hurt people with unsupported (or non-existant) chips, badly.

Xgl still has a place -- sure, people with good hardware (or just mediocre), will gain from it, even more so than AIGLX, but I would rather have both implementations than just the one (which there also is, so all is good).

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 by fatbuttlarry on: Mar 4 2006
Score 50%
.blogspot.co m

Both efforts need some practicality, but both efforts look great. I'm psyched!


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