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 by daniel2501 on: Mar 18 2005
Score 50%

So, should I install the existing debian packages on my main box?
So tempting...

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 KDE 3.4 Performance

 by permafrost91 on: Mar 19 2005
Score 50%

Perhaps this is just me but I can't say that KDE 3.4 has improved in any way in performance. I'm running it with FC3 on my IBM A30 P3 1GHz/384MB RAM and it takes just as long to load as any old KDE release and the translucency and shadow effects while nice definitely make for a huge performance hinderance (even on my system which I didn't expect). In addition, and this is a Fedora issue I think, editing the kdmrc file has no effect on the login screen (and the Control Panel login screen module doesn't load in super-user mode and KDM doesn't allow root logins).

On the whole, KDE 3.4 definitely is a mile-stone release but for me it's not breath-taking just yet.

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 Re: KDE 3.4 Performance

 by nuka on: Mar 26 2005
Score 50%

i have a faster system than you, but KDE 3.4 is faster than gnome running on C3. also, check out the kdm theme switcher on this site. there is a fc3 rpm for it and it works perfectly.


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 Re: Re: KDE 3.4 Perf

 by permafrost91 on: Mar 26 2005
Score 50%

The theme switcher works well for me too ... but I'm not too concerned about KDM themes as I spend most of my time logged in to the desktop :)

I'm mostly just saddened by the fact that I can't run translucency and shadows without a significance loss of performance. I would not have thought these two processes to be as hardware intensive as they are.

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 bluetooth headset

 by canalegrande on: Mar 24 2005
Score 50%

I successfully installed bluetooth on my KDE 3.3 enviroment and almost everything seems to work fine.
My problem is how I can channel the sound (alsa) to the headset. (Logitech HS1)

Anything new in KDE 3.4?

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 History log in KDM

 by linux3114a on: Mar 31 2005
Score 50%

I don't like the history log in the KDM logon panel .

There are no options to hidden this history log....

Design ????

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