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Desktop Linux Poll 2007 closed

By Yaba
Published: Aug 15 2007
Desktop Linux has released the 2007 release of their annual Desktop Linux Market survey.

Please take a few minutes to help them. The survey is closed. The results are:
  • Ubuntu is the most popular distribution.
  • Most participants are favoring Gnome.
  • Mozilla Firefox is the web browser used by most participants.
  • The most popular mail client is Mozilla Thunderbird.
  • To run Microsoft Windows applications most people are using Wine.
More details on the Desktop Linux homepage.

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 Bad results

 by smihael on: Aug 17 2007
Score 50%

Current results:
GNOME 42.6 %
KDE 36 %

Three years ago:
GNOME 21.1 %
KDE 61.1 %

I remember that year ago Linus says that GNOME /and its users/ are idiot etc., what is totally true. But now GNOME has more users that KDE, beacuse good Ubuntu market survey. I think that default Kubuntu instalation selection is too bad, and for those whit no adsl conection (my friend) is tottally unusuable. I hope that KDE4 kubuntu will be better.

Miha (smihael@gmail.com)

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 Re: Bad results

 by smihael on: Aug 17 2007
Score 50%


congratulations to 10 yrs old GNOME project!

Miha (smihael@gmail.com)

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 Re: Bad results

 by rogun on: Aug 17 2007
Score 50%

If you're suggesting that Ubuntu is the reason for Gnome's success, then how's that any different then Redhat/Mandrake, etc being the reason behind KDE's success?

As for Linus, why should I care what he thinks? Afterall, he isn't the Bill Gates of Linux World, or is he?

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 Nothing's wrong

 by Phreedom on: Aug 18 2007
Score 50%

Mandrake? it's virtually nonexistent now. Redhat? It has gnome by default.

Distros backed by corps chose gnome due to it being proprietary-friendly.

The stats are screwed by preinstalls and corps etc.

A 6-month old survey of russian-speaking users shows KDE users are 2x gnome.

The difference? No gnome users who aren't allowed to change(corps)/ don't know any better.

What you should worry is the quality of KDE, devs and actual installed user base. All are improving.

What "unwashed" masses use, is irrelevant. Just as it doesn't matter how many people are running windows. All we care about is drivers and interoperability.

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 Re: Nothing's wrong

 by Fri13 on: Aug 20 2007
Score 50%

Yes, Mandrake is dead, now there is good Mandriva and it's not dead.

It is good to see Gnome users alot more because Ubuntu has got more users with very GOOD marketing and nice orange style. It's not so special distro as Gentoo or Slackware are but it has almoust all basic software installed and nothing more. SUSE and Mandriva are much easier to use but there isn't such big user support as Ubuntu.

And i think Gnome is great DE because it gives easy step to GNU/Linux world from Windows side. Later users moves (or dont) to KDE side because it allows more options, more freedom to customize desktop how user likes it and this way makes computing muchs richer and not so painfull.

KDE is made for users....

What can you give to others?

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 Re: Bad results

 by tisource on: Aug 19 2007
Score 50%

I find it interesting that LQ.org survey showed just the opposite - it gave KDE the award by a long shot.

Ubuntu is getting a lot of attention right now, and it's a decent distro, but I don't use it because of GNOME.

Although GNOME is is no small accomplishment, I tend to agree with Linus on its approach on design - it's unusable to me.

I think most of your Linux "power users" prefer KDE. Many of your newbies start with GNOME.

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 Re: Bad results

 by bastl on: Aug 20 2007
Score 50%

I think we have to go back to more quality. F.e. document all classes and their members strictly, like QT does. That will then result in better programmed app.and a "how to use" or "is for" section in the head documentation of a class.
And I also think a quality label will give big trust to users. A label like "Only Linux and Net profed", rated like the good bad rating for an app. where everyone can vote once with his login. Therefor have to be an app. for everyone for testing an app. With that test app. a user can open a package and get shown critical code like members using KDE resources or assembler code or other code that accesses hardware directly e.g. "out" and "in".
That will bring KDE to many people and small businesses who are afraid of trojans and spayware, and "Only Linux" will guaranty that that app. can not be run under non Unix systems so this will give extra trust and secure. All KDE intern app. should then listed or linked here too.
I think that those measures will push KDE to 70-85% in the next 2-3 years.

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 Re: Re: Bad results

 by PreacherDave on: Aug 21 2007
Score 50%

Except that as of KDE 4.0 some of the KDE applications will run on non-unix based systems such as Windows or non-X11 based unix systems like Max

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 Re: Re: Bad results

 by tisource on: Aug 23 2007
Score 50%

I agree about quality and documentation, but I disagree about exclusion. The ability of KDE to run on multiple platforms will make it more popular.

Making KDE a Linux-only will only hamper its adoption, not accelerate it.

IMHO, it's a very Apple-esque attitude - one of which I am strongly against.

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 Page broken ?

 by paralis on: Aug 22 2007
Score 50%

Vote in the 2007 Desktop Linux Survey:
The Survey You Have Requested is Not Valid

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 Re: Bad results

 by corrosivemisery on: Aug 30 2007
Score 50%

Here comes the almighty Ubuntu that made it all possible.


First off, Red Hat (as an example) has had Gnome as the default desktop environment since the beginning which quite predates Ubuntu.

Secondly, the results are due to Gnome and Gnome alone. Linux by nature is open, use what you want. Gnome's success is its own, not the perceived contribution of any one distro.

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 Re: Re: Bad results

 by Yaba on: Aug 31 2007
Score 50%

They counted all Ubuntu based distributions as Ubuntu, including Kubuntu.

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 Re: Re: Re: Bad results

 by benjf5 on: Sep 3 2007
Score 50%

Well, that's sorta true... since, after all, they are the same distro, just with different DEs. I think that all the *ubuntus should be listed as Ubuntu. There has been an idea floating around about Ubuntu KDE Edition, XFCE Edition, Education Edition, etc.

Ichi wa Zen, Zen wa Ichi
--Fullmetal Alchemist

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 Re: Bad results

 by katex on: Sep 24 2007
Score 50%

I agree with Linus

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 never trust polls

 by soulrebel on: Aug 22 2007
Score 50%

polls and especially internet polls count nothing.

i for one have never used gnome or a gnome app and to be honest of the many unix poeple i know only one person uses gnome.
so that counts as statistic as far as i am concerned...
but then again i am in europe, i heard people america prefer "simpler programs with less options" aka gnome ;)

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 Re: never trust poll

 by vexorian on: Aug 29 2007
Score 50%

yeah, well. I find it easier to trust a poll than some post in a board...

I think I will switch from gnome to KDE4 later now that they got scalable icons in desktop and gnome getting MONOficated much.

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 Re: Re: never trust

 by Chrispy on: Aug 30 2007
Score 50%

Gnome has Scalable Icons, too. KDE uses SVGZ and Gnome SVG. And Mono is not a needed part of Gnome, you can run Gnome without it and you won't miss any functionality. I don't have Mono (and QT) installed and I can do everything Gnome provides. Instead of FSpot you can use GThumb, instead of Beagle you use Tracker.

if you can read this, you don't need glasses
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 The saga continues

 by marcaemus on: Aug 26 2007
Score 50%

What about actually getting any work done? What can KDE do that Gnome can't in terms of productivity? When I need to surf the web, that's exactly what I want to do and not spend a hour drilling through about:config options.
What is evil about software built with a 'just works' philosophy? Is anyone here actually using their computer to do anything or are they just playing with their 'options'? ;>
My position: would have used KDE over Gnome before Gnome 2.16. Now i find KDE big bloated and slow with many apps having interesting (annoying) design quirks. Have both Gnome 2.18 and KDE 3.5.7 and use both as the mood takes me. Also don't mind Fluxbox once in a while.

when all the worlds collide...
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 Re: The saga continues

 by benjf5 on: Sep 3 2007
Score 50%

... you aren't serious, are you? Asking that was possibly the closest thing you could have said to trolling. When I want to go on the internet, I don't spend an hour configuring, I click on the nice, slick Quick Start menu icon, Konqueror opens, and I'm off and away! And then, if I want to find a file, I type in my home directory, et voila, I'm there! I'm going to be interested in Dolphin, but I'll always love my Konqueror. So, there's your answer. Also, I've taken full advantage of Fitts' Laws, since I have my menu set up for maximum productivity.

Ichi wa Zen, Zen wa Ichi
--Fullmetal Alchemist

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 Re: Re: The saga con

 by marcaemus on: Sep 4 2007
Score 50%

Not trolling just personal obs. Also, I think you missed the underlying sarcasm of the post. I have a feeling, however, that you just proved my point.
I'm pleased you have your desktop so well set up - its a good thing we have so much choice.

when all the worlds collide...
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 Pay it no heed

 by Foard on: Aug 28 2007
Score 50%

These polls are counter productive. What purpose does it serve but to get us arguing about our favorite desktop? We should be trying to get grab a bigger piece of the OS pie, not bickering about how our far-to-thin *nix slice is divided up.

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 Never Looked Back

 by somedamfool on: Sep 7 2007
Score 50%

Gnome is what turned me off the first time I test drove a Linux OS a few years ago, and it is still archiac in my opinion; it reminds me of Microsoft Windows 3.1. It is not nearly as configurable as KDE. When I found KDE I never looked back.

Sure it works and is easy to use, so when my three year old granddaughter is ready to start playing on a computer, I will let her use Gnome. She will probably like the 'cartoony' look of the desktop.

I've used Fedora since core 1, and recently installed Kubuntu on a spare hdd. That OS is now dead because I installed two files from the package manager that didn't have a warning that you MUST configure them before rebooting. While it worked, KDE ran fine on the Ubuntu platform.

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 by afonic on: Sep 18 2007
Score 50%

Gnome has matured over the years.

I used to use only KDE back in the Corel Linux and Suse 9 days but since 2005 I am using Gnome.

I can make all the configuration I like, it is just in the Gconf Editor and not in the menus, which I think is positive. The whole comment "Gnome is for stupid users" is just stupid itself.

Besides that Gnome is more stable imo, and somehow less bloated. (not by memory usage, by the general "feeling") And I really like its looks better when I install my themes and Murrine engine than what I can configure with KDE.

I had problems with KDE in more than one distros that I tried lately (and I used them for over a month) when trying to decide if I'll switch back, including Fedora and Mandriva. Even on my main OS which is Arch, both KDE and KDEmod have problems while Gnome runs perfectly fine.

Lets hope KDE 4 turns this around!

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