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unable to install Bluedevil

KDE - Nov 17 2010

I'm using fedora 14 kde and I'm trying to install bluedevil. I downloaded the files from KDE Projects <https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/base/bluedevil/repository> with the following command.

git clone git://git.kde.org/bluedevil

how ever I don't see a readme file or a .config .

Does any one know how I can finish installing Bluedevil?


Answer:Before you compile bluedevil you need to install libbluedevil (and the development files).

It is easier to download the rpm source packages that were build for Fedora Rawhide from koji and the rebuild (first the lib and then the main package). The rpm manager will tell you the missing dependencies for your system and you can install them using yum.

So, step by step.
Go to:

download the rpms for package and development. Install it.
Then go to:
download the src file.
Then run:
rpmbuild --rebuild your_file.src.rpm

it will tell you about missing packages you need to install to build the file.
Install using yum.
Then run rpmbuild again - this time it will go through and in your home directory you will find directory
rpmbuild and inside RPMS you will have subdir for your architecture which you need to install via rpm.

That's how I got my bluedevil working (actually, I got the latests 1.0.1 version but it does not matter for a start).

If you have problem with this just let me know and I'll send you my rpm package.

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 compiling cmake projects

 by Aiwendil on: Nov 18 2010
Score 50%

Sorry...didn't try it so no idea if this helps. Looks like the project is using cMake to setup the build environment. So make sure you have a compiler and all necessary development packages of the dependencies of the project installed. Then change to the directory the source code is in and use a "cmake .". If that returns without any error you can build the project with "make". I guess afterwards a "make install" is needed to install everything in the right place. For more information about running cmake have a look at http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/runningcmake.html

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 Re: compiling cmake projects

 by rdesfo on: Nov 19 2010
Score 50%

I installed cmake and tried the following command and still got an error

cmake ~/bluedevil
-- The C compiler identification is unknown
-- The CXX compiler identification is unknown
CMake Error: your C compiler: "CMAKE_C_COMPILER-NOTFOUND" was not found. Please set CMAKE_C_COMPILER to a valid compiler path or name.
CMake Error: your CXX compiler: "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER-NOTFOUND" was not found. Please set CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER to a valid compiler path or name.
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindKDE4.cmake:98 (MESSAGE):
ERROR: cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake not found in

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 Re: Re: compiling cmake projects

 by Aiwendil on: Nov 20 2010
Score 50%

Okay...sorry, looks like this will get a bit longer...Trying a somewhat comprehensive explanation here so also forgive me if I say something that was already clear to you.

"git://git.kde.org/bluedevil" is an address of a revision control system for source-code, meaning it's meant to manage different versions of the code and have a history of code changes (among others things). While this isn't really interesting for most users the important part here is that you downloaded the source-code of the program (The textfiles coders write). To turn the code into a useful program you have to compile it first.

The advantage of source-code is that people can compile it for different computer architectures. But to achieve this a fitting environment has to be set up. This is basically what cMake does. (The other common way in linux are the automake tools). But to install source-code you need some other tools. And here we now come to your (first) problem. To actually make binaries out of C-source-code you will need a compiler. On linux this is usually gcc. So you have to install that from your package manager in Fedora. (And sorry...never used Fedora, but usually there is some meta-packaged for a basic compiler environment that also includes some other necessary packages). After installing gcc you should be able to get past the "-- The C compiler identification is unknown". But running cMake will probably give you some other errors then. Most linux distributions have separate packages for the development files. Those files aren't needed for running a program, but are needed if you want to compile another program depending on it. In your case this means you will also need some development packages for KDE...but cMake should tell you what you are missing by throwing an error if if can't find something needed.

So...in summery. You will have to install "gcc" (better a meta-development package if Fedora offers something like this) then run Cmake again, see what it is missing, install the missing development packages and once you got cMake to run without errors go on with "make" and "make install".

Usually it's far easier to just install the precompiled software from your package manager but for some programs that isn't an option. So learning how to compile your own programs is for sure worth the effort.

Hope that helped somehow. As I said...I never used Fedora but I am sure they have some documentation about install source packages somewhere. Maybe have a look if you find something about it...it will for sure explains this all better than I could ;).

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