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Help with .py script for InfoPanel Screenlet

GNOME - Nov 20 2012
not answered
Question:I've attached a picture and my script to go with my problem below. I loaded "Screenlets" and was disappointed it wouldn't hold any of my InfoPanel settings so I decided I would edit the .py file to get it to do what I wanted. That way, when the program loaded, it would load from my script. After many edits, booting up, trial and error, I finally got it the way I wanted it... with a few small problems...

In the picture, notice there are no green bars for "/" and "/Storage" but there are for "/home".

-How can I get the bars to show up?

-How can I get "/home to change to /home/USER (but just say home on the panel) so when I click on the applet, it takes me to the /home/USER folder and not the /home folder?

-Network is always at 100%. Sometimes, the bar is green and sometimes there is nothing. Is this a bug or some bad code?

-I've noticed some changes don't write to the .py file under /usr/share/Screenlets/screenlets-pack-all/InfoPanel. I can make changes (with GUI) to font color, save it, open to edit and nothing is changed. Upon rebooting, everything went back to default, hence me editing the .py file so the program reads from it... I've edited the color in the .py file under what I thought was CMYK color code to no avail. I edited the .py file with several random numbers like 1.0, 2.5, .3, 1.2 and varied it several times. Why does the font color not seem to write to the .py file? It doesn't change. Is it saving this information somewhere else? If you look at my screen, the text is yellow and after many edits and opening, changing, and saving in the GUI, it finally started with the right color. The color in the script for font color is the same as if I changed it to something completely different...

-This window WILL NOT lock. It says it is but upon reboot, it doesn't stay. It used to stay in the middle of the screen no matter what but after changing and rebooting several times, it's as if it learned the window position and now goes there (but still doesn't lock).

-Can I change BAT0 to display BATTERY and wlan0 to display NETWORK?

This has fascinated me for hours over the weekend and have tried and tried and googled many times. If you would look at the picture I've posted and the script printout below, I'd greatly appreciate it! Any advice is helpful!

My script:

#!/usr/bin/env python

# This application is released under the GNU General Public License
# v3 (or, at your option, any later version). You can find the full
# text of the license under http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt.
# By using, editing and/or distributing this software you agree to
# the terms and conditions of this license.
# Thank you for using free software!

# InfoPanel (SysMonitor PLUS)
# (c) Michal Horejsek

import screenlets
from screenlets.options import StringOption, BoolOption , IntOption, FloatOption, ColorOption, FontOption, ImageOption
from screenlets import DefaultMenuItem
from screenlets import sensors
import pango
import gtk

import gobject
import cairo
import os
import sys
import urllib
import time

#use gettext for translation
import gettext

_ = screenlets.utils.get_translator(__file__)

def tdoc(obj):
obj.__doc__ = _(obj.__doc__)
return obj

class InfoPanelScreenlet( screenlets.Screenlet ):
"""InfoPanel: Information about your computer and more."""


__name__ = 'InfoPanel'
__version__ = '0.10.2+'
__author__ = 'Michal Horejsek'
__desc__ = __doc__


_updateInterval = 1
_refresh = {}
_refreshNet = {}
_isTime = {}
_debug = False

_allUpdate = False
_allUpdateNet = False
_allUpdateWait = False
_oldHour = 0
_oldMinute = 0

_linePx = 0
_lineAppendPx = 0

_themeModule = None
width = 180
_width = 180
height = gtk.gdk.screen_height()
ctxIcons = None

clickData = {}
clickDraw = False
clickStart = 0
clickEnd = 0

##### appearence #####
font = 'FreeSans'
fontHard = 'Monospace'
fontSize = 9
fontSettings = 'FreeSans 9'

colorText = [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
colorBackground = [ 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.5 ]

showIcon = True
expand = False
starty = 5

backgroundTransparency = True
backgroundTransparencyLeft = True
backgroundTransparencyStart = 0
backgroundTransparencyStep = 0
backgroundRadius = 0

##### graphs #####
colorGraphBackground = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
colorGraphForeground = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
colorGraphVeryHigh = [ 1.0, 0.05, 0.0, 0.4 ]
colorGraphHigh = [ 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4 ]
colorGraphLow = [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.4 ]
colorGraphVeryLow = [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.4 ]
colorGraphHover = [ 0.3, 0.7, 0.3, 0.4 ]

graphTypes = [ 'none', 'line', 'line_color', 'boxes', 'boxes_color' ]
graphTypeCpus = 'boxes_color'
graphTypeNvidiaTemp = 'boxes_color'
graphTypeMemory = 'boxes_color'
graphTypeSwap = 'boxes_color'
graphTypeDownUp = 'boxes_color'
graphTypeDisks = 'boxes_color'
graphTypeBattery = 'boxes_color'
graphTypeWireless = 'boxes_color'

graphVeryHigh = 90.0
graphHigh = 75.0
graphLow = 15.0
graphVeryLow = 5.0

graphBoxesWidth = 5
graphBoxesSpace = 2

# get net devices
# @return list
def getLocalIpDevices():
devices = ['']
for line in os.popen('ip address show').readlines():
# 2: eth0: mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN qlen 1000
if line[1] == ':':
devices.append(line[ 3 : line[4:].find(':')+4 ])
return devices
# end getLocalIpDevices()

##### time #####
time = ''
timeFormat = '12'
timeFormats = [ '12', '24' ]
##### date #####
date = ''
datePhase = '0'
##### holiday #####
holidayNum = 1
holidayFiles = []
holidayFile0 = ''
holidayFile1 = ''
holidayFile2 = ''
holidayToday = ['', '', '']
holidayTomorrow = ['', '', '']
##### weather #####
weatherNum = 1
weatherMetric = False
weatherZip0 = 'HIDDEN'
weatherZip1 = ''
weatherZip2 = ''
weatherForecast0 = True
weatherForecast1 = True
weatherForecast2 = True
weatherLocateCity = {}
weatherLocateState = {}
weatherTmp = {}
weatherLow = {}
weatherHi = {}
weatherIcon = {}
##### course #####
courseNum = 1
courseCourse = {}
courseCodes = []
courseNumber = {}
courseCurrency = {}
courseFrom0 = ''
courseFrom1 = ''
courseFrom2 = ''
courseTo0 = ''
courseTo1 = ''
courseTo2 = ''
##### stock #####
stockNum = 1
stockSymbol0 = ''
stockSymbol1 = ''
stockSymbol2 = ''
stockName = {}
stockLastTrade = {}
stockChange = {}
##### username #####
username = ''
hostname = ''
##### distro #####
distro = ''
##### kernel #####
kernel = ''
##### cpuname #####
cpuname = ''
##### cpufrequency #####
cpufrequency = []
cpufrequencyOld = []
##### cpus #####
cpusNum = sensors.cpu_get_nb_cpu()
cpusNew = {}
cpusOld = {}
cpusLoad = {}
##### load #####
load = ''
loadOld = ''
##### nvidiaInfo #####
nvidiaInfo = {}
nvidiaInfoOld = {}
nvidiaTemp = 0
nvidiaTempMax = 80
nvidiaShowGpu = True
nvidiaShowRam = True
nvidiaShowDriver = True
nvidiaShowReolution = True
nvidiaShowRefreshRate = True
nvidiaShowGpuFrequency = True
nvidiaShowMemFrequency = True
nvidiaShowTemp = True
##### memory #####
memory = ''
memoryOld = ''
##### swap #####
swap = ''
swapOld = ''
##### localIp #####
localIp = ''
localIpOld = ''
localIpDevice = ''
localIpDevices = getLocalIpDevices()
##### externalIp #####
externalIp = ''
externalLocalIpOld = ''
externalIpUrl = 'http://automation.whatismyip.com/n09230945.asp'
##### net #####
netLoadUpload = 0.0
netLoadDownload = 0.0
netLoadMaxUpload = 512
netLoadMaxDownload = 1024
##### upload #####
upload = '0.0'
uploadNew = 0
uploadOld = 0
##### download #####
download = '0.0'
downloadNew = 0
downloadOld = 0
##### netStatistic #####
netStatisticUpload = '0.0'
netStatisticDownload = '0.0'
netStatisticUploadOld = '0.0'
netStatisticDownloadOld = '0.0'
netStatisticUploadTotal = 0.0
netStatisticDownloadTotal = 0.0
##### rss #####
rssNum = 1
rssData = {}
rssUrl0 = ''
rssUrl1 = ''
rssUrl2 = ''
rssItems = 5
rssBrowser = 'google-chrome'
##### disks #####
disks = []
disksOld = []
disksTypes = [ 'usage', 'free', ]
disksType = 'usage'
##### battery #####
battery = ''
batteryLoad = ''
##### wireless #####
wireless = ''
wirelessLoad = ''
##### processes #####
processesNum = 10
processesTypes = [ 'basic', 'extra', ]
processesType = 'extra'
processes = []
processesOld = []
##### uptime #####
uptime = ''
##### logintime #####
logintime = ''
logintimeStart = ''
##### trash #####
trashIcon = 'empty'
resolutionOfTrash = 64

__sensors = {}
sensorsTime = True
sensorsDate = True
sensorsDateMoon = True
sensorsHoliday = False
sensorsWeather = True
sensorsCourse = False
sensorsStock = False
sensorsUsername = False
sensorsDistro = False
sensorsKernel = False
sensorsCpuname = True
sensorsCpufrequency = False
sensorsCpus = True
sensorsCpus0 = True
sensorsLoad = False
sensorsNvidiaInfo = False
sensorsMemory = True
sensorsSwap = True
sensorsLocalIp = True
sensorsExternalIp = True
sensorsUpload = False
sensorsDownload = False
sensorsNetStatistic = True
sensorsRss = False
sensorsDisks = True
sensorsBattery = True
sensorsWireless = True
sensorsProcesses = False
sensorsUptime = True
sensorsLogintime = False
sensorsTrash = False

__positions = {}
positionsTime = 1
positionsDate = 2
positionsHoliday = 3
positionsWeather = 4
positionsCourse = 24
positionsStock = 6
positionsUsername = 7
positionsDistro = 8
positionsKernel = 9
positionsCpuname = 10
positionsCpufrequency = 11
positionsCpus = 12
positionsLoad = 23
positionsNvidiaInfo = 25
positionsMemory = 14
positionsSwap = 15
positionsLocalIp = 17
positionsExternalIp = 18
positionsUpload = 19
positionsDownload = 20
positionsNetStatistic = 21
positionsRss = 22
positionsDisks = 13
positionsBattery = 5
positionsWireless = 16
positionsProcesses = 26
positionsUptime = 27
positionsLogintime = 28
positionsTrash = 29
_numPositions = 29

__spaces = {}
spacesTime = 10
spacesDate = 10
spacesHoliday = 0
spacesWeather = 10
spacesCourse = 0
spacesStock = 0
spacesUsername = 0
spacesDistro = 0
spacesKernel = 0
spacesCpuname = 0
spacesCpufrequency = 0
spacesCpus = 10
spacesLoad = 0
spacesNvidiaInfo = 0
spacesMemory = 5
spacesSwap = 20
spacesLocalIp = 0
spacesExternalIp = 10
spacesUpload = 0
spacesDownload = 0
spacesNetStatistic = 20
spacesRss = 0
spacesDisks = 60
spacesBattery = 20
spacesWireless = 10
spacesProcesses = 0
spacesUptime = 0
spacesLogintime = 0
spacesTrash = 0

heights = {
'time' : 0,
'date' : 0,
'holiday' : 0,
'weather' : 0,
'course' : 0,
'stock' : 0,
'username' : 0,
'distro' : 0,
'kernel' : 0,
'cpuname' : 0,
'cpufrequency' : 0,
'cpus' : 0,
'load' : 0,
'nvidiaInfo' : 0,
'memory' : 0,
'swap' : 0,
'localIp' : 0,
'externalIp' : 0,
'upload' : 0,
'download' : 0,
'netStatistic' : 0,
'rss' : 0,
'disks' : 0,
'battery' : 0,
'wireless' : 0,
'processes' : 0,
'uptime' : 0,
'logintime' : 0,
'trash' : 0,

__buffers = {}

# create arrays sensors and positions
# @return void
def createArrays( self ):
self.__sensors = {
'time' : self.sensorsTime,
'date' : self.sensorsDate,
'holiday' : self.sensorsHoliday,
'weather' : self.sensorsWeather,
'course' : self.sensorsCourse,
'stock' : self.sensorsStock,
'username' : self.sensorsUsername,
'distro' : self.sensorsDistro,
'kernel' : self.sensorsKernel,
'cpuname' : self.sensorsCpuname,
'cpufrequency' : self.sensorsCpufrequency,
'cpus' : self.sensorsCpus,
'load' : self.sensorsLoad,
'nvidiaInfo' : self.sensorsNvidiaInfo,
'memory' : self.sensorsMemory,
'swap' : self.sensorsSwap,
'localIp' : self.sensorsLocalIp,
'externalIp' : self.sensorsExternalIp,
'upload' : self.sensorsUpload,
'download' : self.sensorsDownload,
'netStatistic' : self.sensorsNetStatistic,
'rss' : self.sensorsRss,
'disks' : self.sensorsDisks,
'battery' : self.sensorsBattery,
'wireless' : self.sensorsWireless,
'processes' : self.sensorsProcesses,
'uptime' : self.sensorsUptime,
'logintime' : self.sensorsLogintime,
'trash' : self.sensorsTrash,
self.__positions = {
'time' : self.positionsTime,
'date' : self.positionsDate,
'holiday' : self.positionsHoliday,
'weather' : self.positionsWeather,
'course' : self.positionsCourse,
'stock' : self.positionsStock,
'username' : self.positionsUsername,
'distro' : self.positionsDistro,
'kernel' : self.positionsKernel,
'cpuname' : self.positionsCpuname,
'cpufrequency' : self.positionsCpufrequency,
'cpus' : self.positionsCpus,
'load' : self.positionsLoad,
'nvidiaInfo' : self.positionsNvidiaInfo,
'memory' : self.positionsMemory,
'swap' : self.positionsSwap,
'localIp' : self.positionsLocalIp,
'externalIp' : self.positionsExternalIp,
'upload' : self.positionsUpload,
'download' : self.positionsDownload,
'netStatistic' : self.positionsNetStatistic,
'rss' : self.positionsRss,
'disks' : self.positionsDisks,
'battery' : self.positionsBattery,
'wireless' : self.positionsWireless,
'processes' : self.positionsProcesses,
'uptime' : self.positionsUptime,
'logintime' : self.positionsLogintime,
'trash' : self.positionsTrash,
self.__spaces = {
'time' : self.spacesTime,
'date' : self.spacesDate,
'holiday' : self.spacesHoliday,
'weather' : self.spacesWeather,
'course' : self.spacesCourse,
'stock' : self.spacesStock,
'username' : self.spacesUsername,
'distro' : self.spacesDistro,
'kernel' : self.spacesKernel,
'cpuname' : self.spacesCpuname,
'cpufrequency' : self.spacesCpufrequency,
'cpus' : self.spacesCpus,
'load' : self.spacesLoad,
'nvidiaInfo' : self.spacesNvidiaInfo,
'memory' : self.spacesMemory,
'swap' : self.spacesSwap,
'localIp' : self.spacesLocalIp,
'externalIp' : self.spacesExternalIp,
'upload' : self.spacesUpload,
'download' : self.spacesDownload,
'netStatistic' : self.spacesNetStatistic,
'rss' : self.spacesRss,
'disks' : self.spacesDisks,
'battery' : self.spacesBattery,
'wireless' : self.spacesWireless,
'processes' : self.spacesProcesses,
'uptime' : self.spacesUptime,
'logintime' : self.spacesLogintime,
'trash' : self.spacesTrash,
# end createArray()

# debug
# @param string bool
# @return void
def debug( self, msg = '', wait = False ):
if self._debug:
if wait:
print 'Debug:', msg,
try: input()
except: pass
print 'Debug:', msg
# end debug

# clear clickData
# @param string
# @return void
def clearClickData( self, key ):
arr = []
for x,y in self.clickData.iteritems():
if key in x:
arr.append( x )
for key in arr:
del self.clickData[ key ]
# end clearClickData

### ###
### ###

# init
# @param list
# @return void
def __init__( self, **keyword_args ):
screenlets.Screenlet.__init__( self, width=self.width, height=self.height, **keyword_args )

# set theme
theme_name = 'default'
screenlets.utils.refresh_available_screenlet_paths() # Needed sometimes (racing?) prior to get_screenlet_dir()
os.chdir( self.get_screenlet_dir() )
sys.path.append( "themes" )
self._themeModule = __import__( self.theme_name )
# set timer
self.timer = None
# on start update all sensors
self._allUpdate = True
self._allUpdateNet = True
self._allUpdateWait = True
# create array
# set login time
self.logintimeStart = time.time()
# set list of files and course
self.holidayFiles = os.listdir( self.get_screenlet_dir()+'/holidays' )

# options
self.add_options_group( 'Appearance', '' )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Appearance', 'timeFormat', self.timeFormat, 'Time format', '', choices=self.timeFormats ) )
self.add_option( IntOption( 'Appearance', 'updateInterval', self.updateInterval, 'Update interval', '', min=1, max=60 ) )
self.add_option( IntOption( 'Appearance', 'starty', self.starty, 'Start on [px]', '', min=0, max=500 ) )
self.add_option( BoolOption( 'Appearance','expand', self.expand, 'Expand', '' ) )
self.add_option( BoolOption( 'Appearance', 'showIcon', self.showIcon, 'Show icon', '' ) )
self.add_option( FontOption( 'Appearance','fontSettings', self.fontSettings, 'Font', '' ) )
self.add_option( ColorOption( 'Appearance','colorText', self.colorText, 'Text color', '' ) )
self.add_option( ColorOption( 'Appearance','colorBackground', self.colorBackground, 'Background color', '' ) )
self.add_option( BoolOption( 'Appearance', 'backgroundTransparency', self.backgroundTransparency, 'Background transparency', '' ) )
self.add_option( BoolOption( 'Appearance', 'backgroundTransparencyLeft', self.backgroundTransparencyLeft, 'Background transparency invert', '' ) )
self.add_option( IntOption( 'Appearance', 'backgroundTransparencyStart', self.backgroundTransparencyStart, 'Start background transparency', '', min=-self.width, max=255 ) )
self.add_option( FloatOption( 'Appearance', 'backgroundTransparencyStep', self.backgroundTransparencyStep, 'Step background transparency', '', min=0.1, max=10.0 ) )
self.add_option( IntOption( 'Appearance', 'backgroundRadius', self.backgroundRadius, 'Background radius', '', min=0, max=80 ) )

self.add_options_group( 'Graphs', '' )
self.add_option( ColorOption( 'Graphs','colorGraphForeground', self.colorGraphForeground, 'Foreground color', '' ) )
self.add_option( ColorOption( 'Graphs','colorGraphBackground', self.colorGraphBackground, 'Background color', '' ) )
self.add_option( ColorOption( 'Graphs','colorGraphVeryHigh', self.colorGraphVeryHigh, 'Very high color', '' ) )
self.add_option( ColorOption( 'Graphs','colorGraphHigh', self.colorGraphHigh, 'High color', '' ) )
self.add_option( ColorOption( 'Graphs','colorGraphLow', self.colorGraphLow, 'Low color', '' ) )
self.add_option( ColorOption( 'Graphs','colorGraphVeryLow', self.colorGraphVeryLow, 'Very low color', '' ) )
self.add_option( ColorOption( 'Graphs','colorGraphHover', self.colorGraphHover, 'Hover color', '' ) )
self.add_option( IntOption( 'Graphs','graphVeryHigh', self.graphVeryHigh, 'Very high border', '', min=0, max=100 ) )
self.add_option( IntOption( 'Graphs','graphHigh', self.graphHigh, 'High border', '', min=0, max=100 ) )
self.add_option( IntOption( 'Graphs','graphLow', self.graphLow, 'Low border', '', min=0, max=100 ) )
self.add_option( IntOption( 'Graphs','graphVeryLow', self.graphVeryLow, 'Very low border', '', min=0, max=100 ) )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Graphs', 'graphTypeCpus', self.graphTypeCpus, 'Cpus type', '', choices=self.graphTypes ) )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Graphs', 'graphTypeNvidiaTemp', self.graphTypeNvidiaTemp, 'nVidia temp type', '', choices=self.graphTypes ) )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Graphs', 'graphTypeMemory', self.graphTypeMemory, 'Memory type', '', choices=self.graphTypes ) )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Graphs', 'graphTypeSwap', self.graphTypeSwap, 'Swap type', '', choices=self.graphTypes ) )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Graphs', 'graphTypeDownUp', self.graphTypeDownUp, 'Down/Up type', '', choices=self.graphTypes ) )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Graphs', 'graphTypeDisks', self.graphTypeDisks, 'Disks type', '', choices=self.graphTypes ) )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Graphs', 'graphTypeBattery', self.graphTypeBattery, 'Battery type', '', choices=self.graphTypes ) )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Graphs', 'graphTypeWireless', self.graphTypeWireless, 'Wireless type', '', choices=self.graphTypes ) )
self.add_option( IntOption( 'Graphs', 'graphBoxesWidth', self.graphBoxesWidth, 'Width boxs (only boxes type)', '', min=1, max=50 ) )
self.add_option( IntOption( 'Graphs', 'graphBoxesSpace', self.graphBoxesSpace, 'Width spaces (only boxes type)', '', min=1, max=10 ) )

# create & sort list of sensors
list = [ [key,value] for key,value in self.__positions.iteritems() ]
list.sort( self.mySort )

counter = 1;
self.add_options_group( 'Sensors '+str(counter), '' )
for x,foo in enumerate( list, 1 ):
sensor = foo[0]
foo = foo[1]
self.add_option( BoolOption( 'Sensors '+str(counter), 'sensors'+sensor[0].upper()+sensor[1:], self.__sensors[sensor], 'Show '+sensor, '' ) )
if x%20 == 0:
counter = counter+1
self.add_options_group( 'Sensors '+str(counter), '' )
self.add_option( BoolOption( 'Sensors '+str(counter), 'sensorsCpus0', self.sensorsCpus0, 'Show cpus0', '' ) )
self.add_option( BoolOption( 'Sensors '+str(counter), 'sensorsDateMoon', self.sensorsDateMoon, 'Show moon', '' ) )

counter = 1;
self.add_options_group( 'Positions '+str(counter), '' )
for x,foo in enumerate( list, 1 ):
sensor = foo[0]
position = foo[1]
self.add_option( IntOption( 'Positions '+str(counter), 'positions'+sensor[0].upper()+sensor[1:], position, 'Positions '+sensor, '', min=1, max=self._numPositions ) )
if x%20 == 0:
counter = counter+1
self.add_options_group( 'Positions '+str(counter), '' )

counter = 1;
self.add_options_group( 'Spaces '+str(counter), '' )
for x,foo in enumerate( list, 1 ):
sensor = foo[0]
foo = foo[1]
self.add_option( IntOption( 'Spaces '+str(counter), 'spaces'+sensor[0].upper()+sensor[1:], self.__spaces[sensor], 'Spaces '+sensor, '', min=0, max=50 ) )
if x%20 == 0:
counter = counter+1
self.add_options_group( 'Spaces '+str(counter), '' )

self.add_options_group( 'Holiday', '' )
self.add_option( IntOption( 'Holiday','holidayNum', self.holidayNum, 'Num holidays', '', min=1, max=3 ) )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Holiday', 'holidayFile0', self.holidayFile0, 'Holiday file 1', '', choices=self.holidayFiles ) )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Holiday', 'holidayFile1', self.holidayFile1, 'Holiday file 2', '', choices=self.holidayFiles ) )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Holiday', 'holidayFile2', self.holidayFile2, 'Holiday file 3', '', choices=self.holidayFiles ) )

self.add_options_group( 'Weather', '' )
self.add_option( BoolOption( 'Weather', 'weatherMetric', self.weatherMetric, 'Use metric', '' ) )
self.add_option( IntOption( 'Weather','weatherNum', self.weatherNum, 'Num weathers', '', min=1, max=3 ) )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Weather', 'weatherZip0', self.weatherZip0, 'ZIP code 1', ''), realtime=False )
self.add_option( BoolOption( 'Weather', 'weatherForecast0', self.weatherForecast0, 'Show forecast 1', '' ) )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Weather', 'weatherZip1', self.weatherZip1, 'ZIP code 2', ''), realtime=False )
self.add_option( BoolOption( 'Weather', 'weatherForecast1', self.weatherForecast1, 'Show forecast 2', '' ) )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Weather', 'weatherZip2', self.weatherZip2, 'ZIP code 3', ''), realtime=False )
self.add_option( BoolOption( 'Weather', 'weatherForecast2', self.weatherForecast2, 'Show forecast 3', '' ) )

self.add_options_group( 'Course', '' )
self.add_option( IntOption( 'Course','courseNum', self.courseNum, 'Num courses', '', min=1, max=3 ) )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Course', 'courseFrom0', self.courseFrom0, 'Course 1 from', '', choices=self.courseCodes ) )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Course', 'courseTo0', self.courseTo0, 'Course 1 to', '', choices=self.courseCodes ) )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Course', 'courseFrom1', self.courseFrom1, 'Course 2 from', '', choices=self.courseCodes ) )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Course', 'courseTo1', self.courseTo1, 'Course 2 to', '', choices=self.courseCodes ) )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Course', 'courseFrom2', self.courseFrom2, 'Course 3 from', '', choices=self.courseCodes ) )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Course', 'courseTo2', self.courseTo2, 'Course 3 to', '', choices=self.courseCodes ) )

self.add_options_group( 'Stock', '' )
self.add_option( IntOption( 'Stock','stockNum', self.stockNum, 'Num stocks', '', min=1, max=3 ) )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Stock', 'stockSymbol0', self.stockSymbol0, 'Stock symbol 1', '' ), realtime=False )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Stock', 'stockSymbol1', self.stockSymbol1, 'Stock symbol 2', '' ), realtime=False )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Stock', 'stockSymbol2', self.stockSymbol2, 'Stock symbol 3', '' ), realtime=False )

self.add_options_group( 'nVidia', 'This sensor can cause the freezing screenlet. If this is your problem, try to turn off unnecessary options.' )
self.add_option( BoolOption( 'nVidia', 'nvidiaShowGpu', self.nvidiaShowGpu, 'Show GPU', '' ) )
self.add_option( BoolOption( 'nVidia', 'nvidiaShowRam', self.nvidiaShowRam, 'Show RAM', '' ) )
self.add_option( BoolOption( 'nVidia', 'nvidiaShowDriver', self.nvidiaShowDriver, 'Show driver', '' ) )
self.add_option( BoolOption( 'nVidia', 'nvidiaShowReolution', self.nvidiaShowReolution, 'Show resolution', '' ) )
self.add_option( BoolOption( 'nVidia', 'nvidiaShowRefreshRate', self.nvidiaShowRefreshRate, 'Show refresh rate', '' ) )
self.add_option( BoolOption( 'nVidia', 'nvidiaShowGpuFrequency', self.nvidiaShowGpuFrequency, 'Show GPU frequency', '' ) )
self.add_option( BoolOption( 'nVidia', 'nvidiaShowMemFrequency', self.nvidiaShowMemFrequency, 'Show MEM frequency', '' ) )
self.add_option( BoolOption( 'nVidia', 'nvidiaShowTemp', self.nvidiaShowTemp, 'Show GPU temp', '' ) )
self.add_option( IntOption( 'nVidia','nvidiaTempMax', self.nvidiaTempMax, 'Temp max ', '', min=40, max=100 ) )

self.add_options_group( 'Net', '' )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Net', 'externalIpUrl', self.externalIpUrl, 'External IP from URL', '' ), realtime=False )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Net', 'localIpDevice', self.localIpDevice, 'Local IP device', '', choices=self.localIpDevices ) )
self.add_option( FloatOption( 'Net', 'netStatisticUploadTotal', self.netStatisticUploadTotal, 'Total upload', '', min=0.0, max=1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0 ), realtime=False )
self.add_option( FloatOption( 'Net', 'netStatisticDownloadTotal', self.netStatisticDownloadTotal, 'Total download', '', min=0.0, max=1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0 ), realtime=False )
self.add_option( IntOption( 'Net', 'netLoadMaxUpload', self.netLoadMaxUpload, '100% upload (for graph) [Kbps]', '', min=1, max=1024*1024 ) )
self.add_option( IntOption( 'Net', 'netLoadMaxDownload', self.netLoadMaxDownload, '100% download (for graph) [Kbps]', '', min=1, max=1024*1024 ) )

self.add_options_group( 'RSS', '' )
self.add_option( IntOption( 'RSS','rssNum', self.rssNum, 'Num RSS', '', min=1, max=3 ) )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'RSS', 'rssUrl0', self.rssUrl0, 'Rss url 1', '' ), realtime=False )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'RSS', 'rssUrl1', self.rssUrl1, 'Rss url 2', '' ), realtime=False )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'RSS', 'rssUrl2', self.rssUrl2, 'Rss url 3', '' ), realtime=False )
self.add_option( IntOption( 'RSS','rssItems', self.rssItems, 'Max items', '', min=1, max=20 ) )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'RSS', 'rssBrowser', self.rssBrowser, 'Default browser', '' ), realtime=False )

self.add_options_group( 'Places', '' )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Places', 'disksType', self.disksType, 'Disk type', '', choices=self.disksTypes ) )
self.add_option( IntOption( 'Places','resolutionOfTrash', self.resolutionOfTrash, 'Resolution Of Trash', '', min=32, max=128 ) )

self.add_options_group( 'Processes', '' )
self.add_option( StringOption( 'Processes', 'processesType', self.processesType, 'Processes type', '', choices=self.processesTypes ) )
self.add_option( IntOption( 'Processes', 'processesNum', self.processesNum, 'Processes num (only extra)', 'Just for extra processes.', min=1, max=20 ) )

# end __init__()

def getUpdateInterval( self ):
return self._updateInterval

def setUpdateInterval( self, newInterval ):
if newInterval < 1: newInterval = 1
if newInterval != self._updateInterval:
if self.timer:
gobject.source_remove( self.timer )
self.timer = gobject.timeout_add( int(newInterval * 1000), self.update )
self._updateInterval = newInterval

updateInterval = property( getUpdateInterval, setUpdateInterval )

# on change variable in class
# @param string string
# @return void
def __setattr__ ( self, name, value ):
if name != 'width':
screenlets.Screenlet.__setattr__( self, name, value )

# refresh all infopanel, if options sensors or positions was changed
if ( 'sensors' in name or 'positions' in name or 'spaces' in name ) and '__' not in name:
self._allUpdate = True

if 'fontSettings' == name:
self.fontSize = int( self.fontSettings[ self.fontSettings.rfind( ' ' )+1 : ] )
self.font = self.fontSettings[ : self.fontSettings.rfind( ' ' ) ]
except ValueError:

if 'scale' == name:
self._allUpdate = True

# all update
foo = [
'starty', 'expand', 'showIcon', 'fontSettings', 'colorText', 'colorBackground', 'height',
'backgroundTransparency', 'backgroundTransparencyLeft', 'backgroundRadius',
'backgroundTransparencyStart', 'backgroundTransparencyStep',
'holidayNum', 'holidayFile0', 'holidayFile1', 'holidayFile2',
'weatherForecast0', 'weatherForecast1', 'weatherForecast2',
'courseFrom0', 'courseFrom1', 'courseFrom2', 'courseTo0', 'courseTo1', 'courseTo2',
'rssBrowser', 'processesType', 'processesNum', 'nvidiaTempMax', 'resolutionOfTrash',
for bar in foo:
if bar == name:
self._allUpdate = True
foo = [ 'graph', 'Graph', 'nvidiaShow', ]
for bar in foo:
if bar in name:
self._allUpdate = True

# all update & refresh
foo = [ 'weatherNum', 'weatherZip0', 'weatherZip1', 'weatherZip2', 'weatherMetric', ]
for bar in foo:
if bar == name:
self._allUpdate = True
self._refreshNet['weather'] = True
if 'courseNum' == name:
self._allUpdate = True
self._refreshNet['course'] = True
foo = [ 'stockNum', 'stockSymbol0', 'stockSymbol1', 'stockSymbol2', ]
for bar in foo:
if bar == name:
self._allUpdate = True
self._refreshNet['stock'] = True
foo = [ 'rssNum', 'rssUrl0', 'rssUrl1', 'rssUrl2', 'rssItems', ]
for bar in foo:
if bar == name:
self._allUpdate = True
self._refreshNet['rss'] = True

# refresh
if 'externalIpUrl' == name:
self._refreshNet['externalIp'] = True
# end __setattr__()

### ###
### ###

# Called when the Screenlet's options have been applied and the screenlet finished its initialization.
# @return void
def on_init( self ):
"""Called when the Screenlet's options have been applied and the
screenlet finished its initialization. If you want to have your
Screenlet do things on startup you should use this handler."""
# set right click menu
self.add_menuitem( "refreshAll", "Refresh ALL" )
self.add_menuitem( "refreshIP", "Refresh IP" )
self.add_menuitem( "refreshWeather", "Refresh Weather" )
self.add_menuitem( "refreshCourse", "Refresh Course" )
self.add_menuitem( "refreshStock", "Refresh Stock" )
self.add_menuitem( "refreshRss", "Refresh RSS" )
self.add_menuitem( "clearNet", "Clear net statistic" )
self.add_menuitem( "zipCode", "ZIP code" )
# init buffers
# end on_init()

# Called when a menuitem is selected.
# @param string
# @return void
def on_menuitem_select( self, id ):
"""Called when a menuitem is selected."""
redraw = False
# set action for right click menu
if id == "refreshAll":
self._refresh['IP'] = True
self._refresh['weather'] = True
self._refresh['course'] = True
self._refresh['stock'] = True
self._refresh['rss'] = True
self._refresh['netStatistic'] = True
redraw = True
if id == "refreshIP":
self._refresh['IP'] = True
redraw = True
elif id == "refreshWeather":
self._refresh['weather'] = True
redraw = True
elif id == "refreshCourse":
self._refresh['course'] = True
redraw = True
elif id == "refreshStock":
self._refresh['stock'] = True
redraw = True
elif id == "refreshRss":
self._refresh['rss'] = True
redraw = True
elif id == "clearNet":
self.netStatisticUploadTotal = 0.0
self.netStatisticDownloadTotal = 0.0
elif id == "zipCode":

# redraw
if redraw:
self._allUpdateNet = True
self._allUpdateWait = True
# end on_menuitem_select()

# Called when the theme is reloaded (after loading, before redraw).
# @return void
def on_load_theme( self ):
"""Called when the theme is reloaded (after loading, before redraw)."""
if not self._themeModule or self.theme_name != self._themeModule.__name__:
self._themeModule = __import__( self.theme_name )
self._allUpdate = True
# end on_load_theme()

# on map
# @return void
def on_map( self ):
if not self.timer:
self.timer = gobject.timeout_add( self._updateInterval*1000, self.update )
# end on_map()

# on unmap
# @return void
def on_unmap( self ):
if self.timer:
gobject.source_remove( self.timer )
self.timer = None
# end on_unmap()

### ###
### ###

# Called when a buttonpress-event occured in Screenlet's window.
# @return void
def on_mouse_down( self, event ):
"""Called when a buttonpress-event occured in Screenlet's window.
Returning True causes the event to be not further propagated."""
x = event.x / self.scale
y = event.y / self.scale

for a,b in self.clickData.iteritems():
if b['start'] < y < b['end']:
b['function']( b['args'] )
self.debug( 'Clicked '+a )
# end on_mouse_down()

# Called when the mouse leaves the Screenlet's window.
# @return void
def on_mouse_leave (self, event ):
"""Called when the mouse leaves the Screenlet's window."""
self.clickDraw = False
# end on_mouse_leave()

# Called when the mouse moves in the Screenlet's window.
# @return void
def on_mouse_move( self, event ):
"""Called when the mouse moves in the Screenlet's window."""
x = event.x / self.scale
y = event.y / self.scale

for a,b in self.clickData.iteritems():
if b['start'] < y < b['end']:
self.clickDraw = True
self.clickStart = int( b['start'] )
self.clickEnd = int( b['end'] )
self.clickDraw = False
# end on_mouse_move()

# open browser
# @param list
# @return void
def openBrowser( self, args ):
os.system( self.rssBrowser + ' ' + args[0] + '&' )
# end openBrowser()

# open directory
# @param list
# @return void
def openDirectory( self, args ):
os.system( 'xdg-open ' + chr(34) + args[0] + chr(34) + '&' )
# end openDirectory()

def openTrash( self, args ):
os.system( 'xdg-open ' + chr(34) + 'trash:///' + chr(34) + '&' )
# end openDirectory()

### ###
### ###

# update (redraw) infopanel
# @return bool
def update( self ):
hour = int( sensors.cal_get_hour() )
minute = int( sensors.cal_get_minute() )
second = int( sensors.cal_get_second() )

self._isTime = {}
if minute != self._oldMinute and second == 0:
self._isTime['everyMinute'] = True
if hour != self._oldHour and minute == second == 0:
self._isTime['everyHour'] = True
if hour < self._oldHour and minute == second == 0:
self._isTime['everyDay'] = True
if self.localIp != self.externalLocalIpOld:
self._isTime['changeLocalIp'] = True

return True
# end update()

# is time to refresh?
# @param string
# @return bool
def isTime( self, type ):
if type[-3:] == 'sec' and int( sensors.cal_get_second() ) % int( type[:-3] ) == 0:
return True
if type in self._isTime.keys():
return True
if type == 'never':
return False
return False
# end varUpdate()

# if refresh sensor
# @param string string
# @return bool
def ifRefresh( self, sensor, type ):
if not self.__sensors[sensor]:
return False

elif sensor in self._refresh.keys():
del self._refresh[sensor]
return True

elif self._allUpdate or self._allUpdateNet or sensor in self._refreshNet.keys() or self.isTime( type ):
return True

return False
# end isRefresh()

# if refresh net part of sensor
# @param string
# @return bool
def ifRefreshNet( self, sensor, type ):
if sensor in self._refreshNet.keys():
del self._refreshNet[sensor]
return True

elif self._allUpdateNet or self.isTime( type ):
return True

return False
# end isRefreshNet()

### ###
### ###

# get line [px]
# @return int
def getLine( self ):
return self._linePx
# end getLine()

# set line [px]
# @param int bool
# @return void
def setLine( self, px, appPx = True ):
self._linePx = self._linePx + px
if appPx:
self._lineAppendPx = self._lineAppendPx + px
# end setLine()

# clear line
# @return void
def clearLine( self ):
self._linePx = 0
self._lineAppendPx = 0
# end clearLine()

# set line [px] by size text
# @param int
# @return void
def setLineByText( self, fontSize = 0, value = '' ):
charsPerLine = 47 - int( ( self.fontSize+fontSize ) * 2 )
lines = len( value ) / charsPerLine + 1
if lines > 1: foo = 1.2
else: foo = 1.0
for i in range( lines ):
self.setLine( int( self.getHeightText( fontSize ) * foo ) )
# end setLineByText()

# set line [px] by size graph
# @param string int
# @return void
def setLineByGraph( self, fontSize = 0, type = '' ):
if type == 'none':
self.setLine( self.getHeightText( fontSize ) )
self.setLine( self.getHeightGraph( fontSize ) + 4 )
# end setLineByGraph()

# get text height
# @return int
def getHeightText( self, fontSize = 0 ):
return int( ( self.fontSize + fontSize ) * 1.6 )
# end getLine()

# get graph height
# @return int
def getHeightGraph( self, fontSize = 0 ):
return int( ( self.fontSize + fontSize ) * 1.8 )
# end getLine()

# get icon height
# @return int
def getHeightIcon( self, fontSize = 0 ):
return int( ( self.fontSize + fontSize ) * 2.4 )
# end getLine()

# get height [px] of sensor
# @param string
# @return int
def getHeightSensor( self, sensor ):
return self.heights[sensor]
# end getLineHeight()

# save height [px] of sensor
# @param string
# @return int
def saveHeightSensor( self, sensor ):
self.setLine( 4 )
self.heights[sensor] = self._lineAppendPx
self._lineAppendPx = 0
# end saveLine()

### ###
### BUFFERS ###
### ###

# init buffers
# @return void
def initBuffers(self):
self.__buffers['hover'] = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(self.window.window, self.width, gtk.gdk.screen_height(), -1)
self.__buffers['background'] = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(self.window.window, self.width, gtk.gdk.screen_height(), -1)
self.__buffers['icons'] = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(self.window.window, self.width, gtk.gdk.screen_height(), -1)
for sensor in self.__sensors.keys():
self.__buffers[sensor] = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(self.window.window, self.width, gtk.gdk.screen_height(), -1)
# end init_buffers()

### ###
### ###

# on draw
# @param cairo
# @return void
def on_draw( self, ctx ):
#if not self.theme_module: return
if self.scale > 5:
self.scale = 5

ctx.scale( self.scale, self.scale )

# create & sort list of sensors
array = [ [key,value] for key,value in self.__positions.iteritems() ]
array.sort( self.mySort )

# set start line
self.setLine( self.starty )
self.saveHeightSensor( 'none' )

# show information about downloading data
if self._allUpdateWait:

# draw message
self._themeModule.drawWait( self, ctx )
# next time do not show this message
self._allUpdateWait = False

# if mouse hover clicable item
elif self.clickDraw:
# show background from buffer
ctx.set_source_pixmap( self.__buffers['background'], 0, 0 )

# create ctxHover
ctxHover = self.__buffers['hover'].cairo_create()
self.clear_cairo_context( ctxHover )
ctxHover.set_operator( cairo.OPERATOR_OVER )
self._themeModule.drawHover( self, ctxHover )

# paint to the ctx
ctx.set_source_pixmap( self.__buffers['hover'], 0, 0 )

# show sensors from buffers
for sensor in self.__sensors.keys():
if self.__sensors[sensor]:
ctx.set_source_pixmap( self.__buffers[sensor], 0, 0 )
# show icon from buffer
ctx.set_source_pixmap( self.__buffers['icons'], 0, 0 )

# infopanel

# redraw backgroud & icons only when redrawing all
if self._allUpdate:
self.debug( 'allUpdate' )

# background
ctxBackground = self.__buffers['background'].cairo_create()
self.clear_cairo_context( ctxBackground )
ctxBackground.set_operator( cairo.OPERATOR_OVER )
self._themeModule.drawBackground( self, ctxBackground )

# icons
self.ctxIcons = self.__buffers['icons'].cairo_create()
self.clear_cairo_context( self.ctxIcons )
self.ctxIcons.set_operator( cairo.OPERATOR_OVER )

# show background from buffer
ctx.set_source_pixmap( self.__buffers['background'], 0, 0 )

# draw sensors
for sensor,position in array:
if self.__sensors[sensor]:
# if refresh and set to show, create new buffer
if self.getVariable( sensor ):
# create ctx layer
ctxLayer = self.__buffers[sensor].cairo_create()
self.clear_cairo_context( ctxLayer )
ctxLayer.set_operator( cairo.OPERATOR_OVER )
# draw sensor
self._themeModule.draw( self, ctxLayer, sensor )
# space
self.setLine( self.__spaces[sensor] )
# save height [px] of sensor
self.saveHeightSensor( sensor )
# else add height [px] of sensor
else: self.setLine( self.getHeightSensor( sensor ), False )

# if set to show, draw buffer
if self.__sensors[sensor]:
ctx.set_source_pixmap( self.__buffers[sensor], 0, 0 )

# show icon from buffer
ctx.set_source_pixmap( self.__buffers['icons'], 0, 0 )

# unset all update
self._allUpdate = False
self._allUpdateNet = False
# set old time
self._oldHour = int( sensors.cal_get_hour() )
self._oldMinute = int( sensors.cal_get_minute() )

# expand
if self.expand:
newHeight = gtk.gdk.screen_height()
newHeight = self.getLine()
if self.height != newHeight:
self.height = newHeight
# end on_draw()

# mysort for two dimensions list
# @param int int
# @return int
def mySort( self, x, y ):
if x[1] < y[1]: return -1
elif x[1] > y[1]: return 1
else: return 0
# end mySort()

### ###
### ###

# get variable and return if sensor has be redraw
# @param string
# @return bool
def getVariable( self, sensor ):

##### TIME #####
if sensor == 'time':
if self.timeFormat == '24':
self.time = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
self.time = time.strftime('%l:%M:%S')
return True
# end time

##### DATE #####
elif sensor == 'date' and self.ifRefresh( sensor, 'everyDay' ):
self.date = sensors.cal_get_day_name() + ' ' + sensors.cal_get_local_date()

year = int( sensors.cal_get_year()[-2:] )
month = int( sensors.cal_get_month() )
day = int( sensors.cal_get_day() )
ageOfMoon = year%19
if ageOfMoon > 9: afeOfMoon = ageOfMoon - 19
ageOfMoon = ( ageOfMoon * 11 ) % 30
if 3 > month > 0: month = month + 2
ageOfMoon = ageOfMoon + day + month - 8.3
self.datePhase = str( int( ageOfMoon % 30 ) )

return True
# end date

##### HOLIDAY #####
elif sensor == 'holiday' and self.ifRefresh( sensor, 'everyDay' ):
# create list of files with holidays
holidayFile = [ self.holidayFile0, self.holidayFile1, self.holidayFile2 ]

for key in range( self.holidayNum ):
# if file is empty => jump
if holidayFile[key] == '': continue
# open file, read, create list and close file
f = open(self.get_screenlet_dir() + '/holidays/' + holidayFile[key], 'r')
file = f.read().split( '\n' )
# line: "02-02: Name"
# if is silvestr
if sensors.cal_get_day() == '31' and sensors.cal_get_month() == '12':
self.holidayToday[key] = file[len(file)-1][6:]
self.holidayTomorrow[key] = file[0][6:]
for index,line in enumerate( file ):
if line[0:2] == sensors.cal_get_day() and line[3:5] == sensors.cal_get_month():
self.holidayToday[key] = line[6:]
self.holidayTomorrow[key] = file[index+1][6:]
return True
# end holiday

##### WEATHER #####
elif sensor == 'weather' and self.ifRefresh( sensor, 'everyHour' ):
if self.ifRefreshNet( sensor, 'everyHour' ):

# set unit
if self.weatherMetric: weatherUnit = 'm'
else: weatherUnit = 's'
# create list of zips code
weatherZips = [ self.weatherZip0, self.weatherZip1, self.weatherZip2 ]

for key in range( self.weatherNum ):
# download data
self.debug( 'Download weather' )
data = urllib.urlopen( 'http://xoap.weather.com/weather/local/'+weatherZips[key]+
'&link=xoap' ).read()

locate = data[data.find('')+6:data.find('')]
# set locate
self.weatherLocateCity[key] = locate[0:locate.find(',')]
self.weatherLocateState[key] = locate[locate.find(',')+2:]
# set celsia and icon
self.weatherTmp[key] = data[data.find('')+5:data.find('')]
self.weatherLow[key] = []
self.weatherHi[key] = []
self.weatherIcon[key] = []
# get data
for x in range(5):
day = data[data.find('

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