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For more accurate content


There is too much stuff that doesn't belong between each other, esp. between xfce-look and gnome-look. Mostly icons and gtk themes. Sometimes an icon theme made on xfce won't look right on gnome. It's not xfce's fault that gnome decides to arbitrarily break icon schemes for no good reason. And there's also the fact that some gtk themes will act differently between the two, like around the panel graphics. Maybe let the uploaders decide on which site content will show up? Don't you agree?

Created:Jun 10 2008
Changed:Jun 10 2008
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 Good Point

 by cafeinoz on: Jun 11 2008
Score 50%

I'm tired of heaps of KDE stuff being put on gnome-look.org. Keep KDE stuff at kde-look.org and gnome stuff at at gnome-look.org.

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 Re: Good Point

 by Fri13 on: Jun 16 2008
Score 50%

And again one magic word: "Tags". Just add tags to system what users (not just author) can edit and allow user to set own filter systems.

If user joins to *look.org sites from gnome-look.org, there is filters by default to filter off all non-gnome material. User could add or remove filters from their account for permamently or just for while.

Then user could just view all material what is meant to for gnome, xfce or kde and nothing else would show up on them if not wanted.

So there would not be need to separate whole site, and tags would allow user to find other material too from other sites. We would get powerfull and easy contect control.

KDE is made for users by users....
What can you give back to others?

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 Re: Re: Good Point

 by Cycron on: Mar 14 2011
Score 63%

I agree with the tag system, that sounds a whole lot more organized.

There should be ONE central site, and just have tags on what people want to view.

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 One more thing

 by cafeinoz on: Jun 11 2008
Score 63%

Your group logo looks like some kind of say no to gnome sign. Is it meant to be like that.

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 Re: One more thing

 by vicviper on: Jun 12 2008
Score 50%

Only to the point of keeping themes not specific to it being assessed on it, which I think is unfair when it can't be avoided.

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 Separation without XFCE?

 by IBBoard on: Jun 11 2008
Score 50%

I feel the same, except more on the "separate out the distro-specific items" front.

One question, though, if most stuff is compatible between the two then how would Gnome users know if their contribution is compatible with XFCE or not? I've done a few little bits for Gnome (as opposed to KDE) but I don't have a clue whether they'd be compatible with XFCE or not.

Also, I don't know what parts of icon themes Gnome have ever broken (other than having "gnome" prefixed to some icons, but having seen the symlinks in the Tango theme then XFCE does the same).

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 Re: Separation without XFCE?

 by vicviper on: Jun 12 2008
Score 50%

At any rate, I think the solution for that and all your questions would be. like I said, to let the submitter decide which site it will show up on.

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 Re: Re: Separation without XFCE?

 by IBBoard on: Jun 12 2008
Score 50%

But surely that would end up with either the submitter deciding that it was Gnome only when it worked with XFCE, or suitable for both when it only actually worked with Gnome.

Letting the submitter decide would work in some situations, but in the vast majority then I'm not sure how accurate the separation would be, leading to either continued overlap of unusable content, or the loss of usable content.

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 I agree... sort of...

 by Moredhas on: Jun 12 2008
Score 50%

I'd like to see more content separation in terms of distro-branded stuff. It's not really anything an administrator can fix, though. Any distro can get an art portal, or make their own. I use Mint, and it would be nice to see everything Mint branded on the Mint site, and no Ubuntu or Mandriva branded stuff on the generic site. The only real fix is for more intense moderation, I think.

Johnny was a chemist\'s son,
But now he is no more.
What Johnny thought was H2O,
Was H2SO4.

I would greatly appreciate help in making the appropriate numbers appear as subscript in this sig.

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 distro stuff

 by EDWARD0S on: Jun 20 2008
Score 50%

ok i agree with the separation of distro but to do that there would have to be a complete overhaul of the site everything rewritten or make a site with a list of distros to choose from and then once chosen it sends you to a section for kde gnome or xfce or what ever it is i am a kde user and do sometimes use gnome i played with xfce a little but that doesn't matter. how about calling the site something like (Fedora-look.org) that has a section for all desktops and that has a list kind of like what this site has. this is a big project that can be done by the community and ambassadors elected by the admins of each kde gnome and xfce-look sites. all very thought out and planned beore anything can be done cause organization and planning will get the job done faster.

Linux, surpass the best. Leave it to the rest.
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 Re: distro stuff

 by IBBoard on: Mar 14 2011
Score 63%

It isn't that big a task - there's already an entire menu of "Linux Distributions" versions of the site that show common stuff and distro-specific stuff. If people took the extra second to put the Ubuntu branded stuff in the Ubuntu category then all would be fine.

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