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Linux is a kernel.


I get pretty tired of seeing all this "Linux" propaganda, where the people obviously are talking about the GNU operating system with the Linux kernel, but are for some reason seeing Linux as the whole operating system. I would never use Linux as my main operating system, since Linux is a kernel :D I do however use the GNU OS extensively, with the Linux kernel. Please step up and stop reffering to Linux as something it is not!

Created:May 9 2008
Changed:May 9 2008
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 by Chrispy on: May 9 2008
Score 50%

That's right, but telling that everyone would cause endless discussions. But as long as more and more inexpirienced Users will begin to use a Linux Distribution it won't change.

I'm bigger and boulder and rougher and tougher in other words sucker there is no other
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 Re: ...

 by deniseweird on: May 9 2008
Score 50%

Maybe it will start a lot of discussions (and, of course, flamewars), but maybe it's necessary. The alternative is to just let it be, and it will get worse. Atleast that's what I think.

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 Re: ...

 by Guinness on: May 15 2008
Score 50%

"would" ?

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 Re: ...

 by Guinness on: May 15 2008
Score 50%

"would" ?

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 by marcaemus on: May 10 2008
Score 50%

Firstly yes of course its GNU/Linux. But language changes and adopts names and though they were new words. e.g., to vacuum the carpets is to Hoover them, a ballpoint pen is a Biro, for a while to photocopy a document was to Xerox it, and these days to search for something on Google is to google it.

The contraction to Linux is just simpler usage. All GPL software is distributed with the licence if anyone bothers to read it.

when all the worlds collide...
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 Pointless name war

 by Tweenk on: May 10 2008
Score 50%
Gartoon Redux

GNU/Linux naming war is pointless. It's better to call your system Fedora, or Ubuntu, or Mint, or whatever distro you happen to be using, to avoid both the fanatics' grumbling and the ridiculous name GNU/Linux which its proponent claims shuld be pronounced Gnu slash Linux or Gnu plus Linux, making it even more ridiculous. I don't have anything against the GNU people but it's better to spend the time coding than trolling. In fact I have a sense of guilt that I'm posting here about an insignificant naming dispute instead of doing something more productive.

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 Re: Pointless name w

 by Luttermann on: May 21 2008
Score 50%

So true!
And if you should call a modern desktop dist something it sould proberly be something like GNU/Linux/Gnome/Berkeley/X11/SUN/Mozilla etc etc. and that's just plane stupid!

One of the problems with the GNU/Linux things is that, though the GNU name is clever (as oppouse to Linus+x), an unlikeable animal is named GNU - And to most people it's not a wery atracting name. Imagine Tiger/Linux... it think that would have a reasonable posibility of catching on, cus of the fact that people admire tigers.

Further more Linux have become a brand (TM if you will) and a buzz word... Just like everything on the net suddenly became BETA versions...

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 GNU with Linux

 by Moredhas on: May 10 2008
Score 50%

Sure, Linux is utterly useless without a tool chain (be it GNU or any other, though I don't know if others exist), but isn't GNU just as useless without a kernel? Credit where credit is due, but it's not like there's any other way to have Linux. Whenever I see the word Linux, I don't even think about it. I just take it as a given that it means GNU/Linux. Why bother appending the word "GNU" to it when there's no other way it can be? A fat lot of good a kernel does on it's own. Nobody uses straight Linux, but I say "I use Linux", because people who know about GNU, know I mean GNU/Linux, while people new to the scene, know I mean "that thing that isn't Windows". People find out about the GNU tool chain in good time, and squabbling over what to call Linux is a waste of time. In my defense, for taking part in such a squabble, my time is impossible to waste, since it's completely worthless anyway.

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 Re: GNU with Linux

 by Moredhas on: May 10 2008
Score 50%

I hate to double post, but afterthoughts do happen. A slightly more meaningful waste of time would be to argue over vi and emacs. Everyone knows how pointless those debates are, because the result is inevitably the same. One group is hardline vi, and unconvinceable, another is hardline emacs, and unconvinceable, there's the "to each his own, now simmer down" group, and a small few who actually wanted some real information, and come away confused and disappointed. At least there's a real reason to debate THAT.

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 by deniseweird on: May 10 2008
Score 50%

About simpleness in speech: I don't see how Linux is simpler to say than GNU though. GNU is shorter.

I don't think it's silly to try to stop people from saying one thing when they mean something pretty different. First it gives all credit to where it doesn't belong, and also I think it's more confusing to be calling a kernel an OS, just like I think it's confusing calling a desktop environment a window manager. What's next, calling Kwin a Desktop Environment?? Now Kwin is great and all, but it's not a DE.

And yes, it's true afaik that there is no other combination of Linux than GNU/Linux. But there are several combinations of GNU. Thinking of it as Linux, It think distributions like Nexenta (GNU OS with OpenSolaris kernel) could be seen by someone new to the field as Linux without Linux, wich doesn't make much sense.

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 Re: GNU

 by marcaemus on: May 10 2008
Score 50%

Everywhere it's simply referred to as linux. I could have just given a simpler reply: what a silly, pointless topic.

when all the worlds collide...
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 Read This

 by marcaemus on: May 10 2008
Score 50%

All the arguments and counter arguments are here:


Now can we move on please.

when all the worlds collide...
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