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GTKRC (themes)


Well, I think there are a lot of new themers who have
trouble understanding gtkrc and think that the widget
factory is some magical app that once you have that
installed and you know how to use it theming becomes
very easy.

So this group I thought I'd start because I know there
are a lot of experienced themers here with a lot of
knowledge and a lot of new themers which have a lot
of questions.

This would be the place to discuss possible bugs
and fixes and ideas and such.

I think we need a place like this because:
"No problem should ever have to be solved twice."

Join if you have any knowledge in gtkrc or are interested
in starting making themes and contributing to this

Useful links:

Object hierarchy (very useful for figuring out how to assign different classes and widgets and for figuring out why things got messed up during your last edit): http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/stable/ch01.html

Nice set of useful links on a number of topic: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/Tutorials/UsefulLinks

Well linked theming tutorial: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/Tutorials/GtkThemes

Yet another guide to theming: http://orford.org/gtk/

Another great set of links (some to the ones above, but there are more): http://www.gtk.org/documentation.html

You can spend a lot of time clicking around live.gnome.org's stuff and get a lot of really useful information.


Created:Apr 17 2008
Changed:Apr 24 2008
Readability:readable for everybody
Membership:everybody can join

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 Lets get NEW !

 by johnnyg on: Feb 1 2011
Score 50%

Come On People ! Lets get Jiggie with it ! New stuff !!! New metacity themes new GTK's !!! not just rehashed over done, Done before CRAP ! We have THE best Of the BEST ! Open your minds and let the idea's become reality !!.. I myself have more than 25 NEW Metacity and GTK themes reworked (And you would never know it was done before !) and NEW, You more than likely wont see them HERE ! But rest assured you WILL see, And have them !! The Brilliant and fertile minds of this community should come up with the best of the best and then some ! Think out of the box !!! Lets wright some History !!
I have also spent some time repairing some of the new stuff out there that just kinda fell short !! I am working on a script that will correct errors and provide a log, so if errors cant be resolved, it will tell you what needs to be done !! Hopefully I will have a GUI to go with it ! And at the same time, putting a Theme'ers program together that will do amazing thing's!! I have the great privilege of having, (Or should I say being a part of Ultimate Edition) TheeMahn helping out on this endeavor! Along with a Icon maker and pointer maker !! all GUI !! But first things first ! Until then I would like to see our Guru's make there bread!!
Kudos to all who make Opensource happen !! YOU !!

Ultimate Edition
Ultimate Edition STUDIO

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 Re: Lets get NEW !

 by Padster on: Feb 2 2011
Score 50%

Sounds good!
I actually have quite a few projects going on atm, if I could just finish them :P


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