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Open Source Ads

Free Software

If I get enough users to support me and help me out, I will create a site called Open Source ads.

This will be a site where users contribute the videos they make to act as advertisements on television. Maybe even radio and banner ads for web sites. Money will also need to be donated to pay for the ads.

I need people who:
- Are open-source enthusiasts.
- Enjoy making videos.
- Have knowledge about website design and web servers.
- Are willing to spread the word to their friends with similar interests that would also participate and help the site grow.

When you join the group, post a comment explaining your talents and how you can help so I can get a better understanding of who's supporting the project and how they can help the cause.

The only thing Microsoft and other proprietary companies have over us is money to advertise and support by hardware companies. If we assemble an organized way to create ads for the open-source worlds' products, we could free the world from Windows and other proprietary companies.

Here's how the site would work:
Users would upload as many videos as they want. Other users would rank them. Whenever an advertising opportunity rolls around (based on the amount of money donated and other aspects), the top rated videos will be put on the home page for users to vote on. The one with the most votes ends up on TV. It's simple.

I'm asking for help because every site I've created without help has failed. The more support I can get the more likely this will succeed. SO WHO'S WITH ME??? :D

BTW, if anyone wants to create a logo ahead of time to fill in the empty space for the group badge/image, I would be very happy. We might even use it for the site logo in the future.

Created:Nov 14 2010
Changed:Dec 21 2010
Readability:readable for everybody
Membership:everybody can join

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 I joined

 by Cycron on: Dec 19 2010
Score 50%

I know HTML, XHTML, most of CSS, and a little JS. And I do graphic designing of websites & banners with Gimp. What can I do to help?

Do not offer what you think is best, offer many and let them choose. - Me, Cycron (on OpenDesktop.org) and CycronWasTaken (on DeviantArt.com)
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 Re: I joined

 by Bradj47 on: Dec 19 2010
Score 50%

Perfect. Do you know anything about this CMS?: http://www.elgg.org/download.php

Also this Google Group will have any official update on the progress in the development of the site:

If you want to talk to me live on IRC:
irc.ecnet.org #opensourceads
(I might be afk, try pinging)

This is still mostly just an idea so if you want to suggest any features that would be great. I don't know JavaScript so it's good that you have an interest in this project. :)

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 Re: Re: I joined

 by Cycron on: Dec 20 2010
Score 50%

No, I've never even heard of CMS before. I'll join the Google Group...

Do not offer what you think is best, offer many and let them choose. - Me, Cycron (on OpenDesktop.org) and CycronWasTaken (on DeviantArt.com)
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 New Update

 by Bradj47 on: Dec 20 2010
Score 50%

I made a new update on the Google Group. http://groups.google.com/group/open-source-ads/
I want to make the Google Group the official way to make updates on this project so please join it.

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