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IRC chat

Sindustries. org IRC

How about an #opendesktop channel somewhere eh? Forums are slow and tedious to keep checking on! Lets band together and chat in real time on IRC!

Created:May 3 2010
Changed:May 3 2010
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 Lets chat in real time!

 by tw1ggz on: May 3 2010
Score 50%
Sindustries. org IRC

I run irc.sindustries.org, a non profit, free service to anyone that wishes to use it. It runs on a quite stable debian lenny corenetworks dedicated machine on a 100Mbit connection. I am opening an #opendesktop channel for all of opendesktop.orgs (that includes kde-look, gnome-look, box-look, etc). So feel free to connect to irc.sindustries.org and join #opendesktop ...there are other channels also. Another pro to using my network is that we use the parent ircd and services that freenode modded for their ircd-seven and services. Our rules are also more relaxed. No child porn, no botnets, no warez. Thats it. Also virtual hosts are available for anyone that wants one. You wouldn't be stuck with just a silly looking user@unaffiliated/yourname host like on freenode, we are willing to give you any vhost can come up with :)

irc.sindustries.org -
It damn sure doesn't run on ubuntu!
Oh yeah, and Linux is a kernel, not an OS
Someone shut BING down! It's a real POS.

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 by tw1ggz on: May 3 2010
Score 50%
Sindustries. org IRC

I forgot to mention that ssl is available on port 9999, set your client to accept invalid ssl certs because buying an ssl cert is just completely unessecary :) Another update will be coming soon: an ipv6 enabled ircd.

irc.sindustries.org -
It damn sure doesn't run on ubuntu!
Oh yeah, and Linux is a kernel, not an OS
Someone shut BING down! It's a real POS.

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 by tw1ggz on: May 3 2010
Score 50%
Sindustries. org IRC

http://www.sindustries.org is still a work in progress, please dont judge a book by its cover :)

irc.sindustries.org -
It damn sure doesn't run on ubuntu!
Oh yeah, and Linux is a kernel, not an OS
Someone shut BING down! It's a real POS.

Reply to this



 by tw1ggz on: May 13 2010
Score 50%
Sindustries. org IRC

Ive seen lots of you stop by, but if noone bothers to idle and leave your irc client open, this will never take off. Is leaving an irc client open so much trouble?

irc.sindustries.org -
It damn sure doesn't run on ubuntu!
Oh yeah, and Linux is a kernel, not an OS
Someone shut BING down! It's a real POS.

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 Re: lol?

 by Bradj47 on: May 13 2010
Score 50%

As of right now, it is for me. I'm only 17 and am still living with my parents. Since they dictate the internet connection they disconnected my computer because of my grades and I'm stuck using the crappy family Solaris computer. So I won't be able to idle on your network until this summer. Sorry.

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 Re: Re: lol?

 by tw1ggz on: May 21 2010
Score 50%
Sindustries. org IRC

We would be glad to have you anytime you could show up, Brad.

irc.sindustries.org -
It damn sure doesn't run on ubuntu!
Oh yeah, and Linux is a kernel, not an OS
Someone shut BING down! It's a real POS.

Reply to this


 Re: lol?

 by TheRob on: May 14 2010
Score 50%

Fuck! this is really great! please
everybody join and stay! if unfamiliar
with irc then just install xchat... is
really easy to use.

If still unsure, ask here and I'm sure
there will be help!


\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 by TheRob on: May 17 2010
Score 50%

...nobodys interested in real chat
with other artists and themers?

cmon guys, this is a great opportunity!

\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 I pay for this shit! LOL

 by tw1ggz on: May 18 2010
Score 50%
Sindustries. org IRC

Yeah, I pay for this service. This is not some hodge podge crap running from my home, although my home connection would serve the amount of users we are getting from opendesktop quite well :)

This machine, my partner and myself manage it ourselves and lease it from corenetworks.net. Its a quite stable debian lenny machine. This is not a here today gone tomorrow irc network. I have run irc networks myself since 1996. The box that provides this ircd I am directing you all to also provides several other ircds for numerous irc networks both in the hub and leaf capacity...

We also run a Nexuiz server, if you are close to michigan or probably anywhere close to the US, you will get good ping times to my nexuiz server. If you dont know what Nexuiz is, its a free FPS that runs on windows, OSX, FreeBSD, Linux, and just about anything else. You can find it at


If you want to play on the irc.sindustries.org server, you MUST install the nexuiz 35 mappack that you will find in the downloads section, otherwise you will not be able to see half of the maps being played when you connect.

Also, just a bit of information about the server i run in order to provide you folks with an #opendesktop channel on the internet:

[mike@illusion mike]% su [1:38:05 on 10-05-18]
illusion:/home/mike# uptime && uname -a && free -m
01:38:24 up 213 days, 17:29, 2 users, load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.00
Linux illusion.nullrewted.org 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Wed Aug 19 06:06:52 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 503 456 46 0 73 71
-/+ buffers/cache: 311 191
Swap: 1474 317 1157

This machine runs debian lenny for now, will be updated to squeeze soon...We do pay for this machine, and we do maintain it ourselves. Show a little appreciation and show up and chat, or if noone is around, stick around and idle and wait for someone to show up. Ive seen alot of you opendesktop folks stop by, noone wants to stick around. This is the problem. How can a chatroom be started if not one of you bothers to stick around other than me and TheRob? I know keeping an irc client open is not a huge deal. Stick around long enough, and Ill offer free bnc accounts for those of you that show interest and help get the channel going, and your bnc account wont be limited to any one irc network...you would be able to use it for wherever you like.

irc.sindustries.org -
It damn sure doesn't run on ubuntu!
Oh yeah, and Linux is a kernel, not an OS
Someone shut BING down! It's a real POS.

Reply to this


 Re: I pay for this shit! LOL

 by tw1ggz on: May 18 2010
Score 50%
Sindustries. org IRC

Also, if there is noone talking, you may want to try #brewery , #troll, or #lobby ... people talk in those channels :P

irc.sindustries.org -
It damn sure doesn't run on ubuntu!
Oh yeah, and Linux is a kernel, not an OS
Someone shut BING down! It's a real POS.

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