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Fedora Users

http://wiki. open.hr

Fedora is a Linux-based operating system that showcases the latest in free and open source software. Fedora is always free for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. It is built by people across the globe who work together as a community: the Fedora Project. The Fedora Project is open and anyone is welcome to join.

The Fedora Project is out front for you, leading the advancement of free, open software and content.

Taken from fedoraproject.org

The purpose of this group is to promote Fedora project and KDE desktop environment. Feel free to join in.

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Changed:Dec 24 2009
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 Running F12

 by LinuxSneaker on: Nov 21 2009
Score 50%

Had installed F11 on an ASUS 1005HA eeePC, and just used preupgrade with no problems to go to F12. I had worried my encrypted /home partition would cause problems, but everything upgraded like a champ.

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 Re: Running F12

 by lbl on: Nov 23 2009
Score 50%

I had quite some problems upgrading via preupgrade. My boot partition, needed by anaconda, was a little bit too small. So after resizing my windows partition and giving it some extra space, the installation went smooth... but was long.

I'm not sure yet if the upgrade was worth the trouble but I think it will in the near future - like always :)

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 A Farewell

 by marcaemus on: Nov 22 2009
Score 50%

After being a loyal redhat/fedora user since the days of Redhat 6.2, I must bid a farewell to the redhat world. F12 is very nice but getting a bit too clever by half. Just to install the NVIDIA driver at a console meant having to dismantle the Plymouth bootup system (F12 uses a framebuffer for the console now) and the whole thing seems these days sluggish (noticibly KDE4). Also tired of needing to disable SELinux every install as well as disabling the hordes of daemons that get started at boot time. Its a great system for office work (its target) but I'm happier with a more 'traditional' linux setup at home.

So its so long and thanks for the fish and hello Slackers!

...when all the worlds collide.
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 Re: A Farewell

 by echelon4 on: Nov 22 2009
Score 50%
echelon4 / echelon systems

Please note that the problems that Fedora 12 encounters are due to the Xorg version that is to its latest (or almost) and compatible nVIDIA drivers are not out yet (the old ones causes the sluggishness). It is not Fedora's fault actually. It is also mentioned in F12's common bugs. It was the same when 10 and 11 were out. So just be patient and wait until nVIDIA releases a newer driver (the beta ones will work great, you will get them sooner). Thanks :)

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 Re: Re: A Farewell

 by marcaemus on: Nov 23 2009
Score 50%

Thanks for the input but I've gone to Slackware. Really, Fedora is a business oriented distro nowadays and though each release is full of clever bits, it gets farther from what I want in a home system.

After all this time, I get tired now of having to wait for all the other pieces to get in sync with each Fedora release - why should I be waiting for new NVidia drivers for F12 to work? for example.

Being a virtual testbed for Redhat EL is nice, but just too much fudging around means I've defected. (Must check out Debian too...)

...when all the worlds collide.
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 Re: Re: Re: A Farewell

 by echelon4 on: Nov 23 2009
Score 50%
echelon4 / echelon systems

The reason why you have to wait until nvidia catches up is that Fedora uses only the latest of packages. And if Xorg innovates, it is new, and Fedora is often the first distribution to use such innovation, then paves the way for others to follow. So basically, you can use other distribution that uses older version of everything, and be sure it will work, or you can wait a short (and often a really short) time for a the technologies to adapt and as a result have a really up-to-date distro.

I have tried all Fedora (and Fedora core) versions, and have always been happy with it: to play games, do any online things, design websites, watch movies, DVDs, listen to music etc. So it is not true to say that Fedora is a distribution getting far from a home distribution.

If you did not like it, it is ok, but I've never been disappointed with it. It is the best distribution I have tried.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: A Farewell

 by marcaemus on: Nov 23 2009
Score 50%

And to bring this thread to a close, I've been using Redhat & Fedora for 10 years. Slackware impressed me better.

...when all the worlds collide.
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 Re: A Farewell

 by rdieter on: Nov 23 2009
Score 50%
Fedora, KDE

the nvidia (and other non KMS-driver) slowness is being tracked, with good success, thanks to feedback from nvidia engineers, see

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 by Cycron on: Dec 24 2009
Score 50%

I'm an Ubuntu user (never tried a different distro), but I've been looking to try Fedora, but will Fedora be able to run .deb files? By the way, you misspelled something, you said: Taken form fedoraproject.org, it should be: Taken from fedoraproject.org

Linux: because a PC is a terrible thing to waste.
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 Re: Typo

 by rezzabuh on: Dec 24 2009
Score 50%
Red Hat & Fedora KDE

Fedora is RPM based distro (does not use DEB). But you don't have to worry - you will use packages from repository and it hides packaging system for you - unless you have your own packages, relies on proprietary packages (but these packages are usually both RPM & DEB) or package is missing in repository (Debian has more packages in repo but Fedora is getting better rapidly and you can ask community for missing package to work on it). So as user - don't worry about packaging systems - it's typical flame topic for "experienced experts" without solution ;-) Another question is - why do you want to switch to another distro? If you know Ubuntu, it fits you, there's no need to switch I think.

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 Re: Typo

 by adundovi on: Dec 24 2009
Score 50%
http://wiki. open.hr

Tnx for noticing ;-)

You can't use DEBs in Fedora, but you could transform it to RPM (via alien).

A neutron walks into a bar; he asks the bartender, \'How much for a beer?\' The bartender looks at him, and says \'For you, no charge.\'
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 Re: Re: Typo

 by Cycron on: Dec 25 2009
Score 50%

Thanks for the info I will look into it, I'm still not quite sure if I want to try it. And your sig is the very same lame joke they had in my school a month ago. What? I have to call it lame, it was from school XD joking

Linux: because a PC is a terrible thing to waste.
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