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This Is Not An Aero Clone


I'm tired of seeing Vista clone themes and Bliss clone wallpapers. And judging by the way these things tend to get rated, most people agree with me.

Start showing some creativity, people!

Created:Sep 21 2008
Changed:Sep 21 2008
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 by k0rfain on: Oct 1 2008
Score 50%

yeah, im also seeing windows clones are what ever, if you want to use windows or want something that looks like it, then go ahead.. use windows.

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 A+ for group...

 by drxnele on: Oct 1 2008
Score 50%

totaly agree with this...

made in Serbia
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 Associations with Windows

 by Tweenk on: Oct 1 2008
Score 50%
Gartoon Redux

+1 from me. Windows stands for many evil things like DRM, vendor lock-in, deliberate incompatibilities with open source systems, obscure undocumented APIs, insecurity and bloat, so I wouldn't want to associate myself with it through a copycat theme :)

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 by KingCam on: Oct 5 2008
Score 50%

Vista is the apex of ugly. It is obvious the designers are not very well educated in design, or not at all.

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 Re: :)

 by TheRob on: Oct 27 2008
Score 50%

well I don't know, I kinda like the idea
of having a bigger close button, because
somehow it is easier to hit when it's bigger :)

Also, I like the big menu button in vista,
that too is kinda easier to hit when it's
however that is not a problem since we
have the
alt+f1 shortcut most of us use, the way I
see it, people are just bashing on windows
gui because it's windows gui, not because
it's bad, and that is just wrong.

Personally I use the default theme in
kde4 which I personally find much better
than any vista clone :)


\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 by spirov92 on: Oct 20 2008
Score 50%

I totally agree. When I installed my OS, I got rid of anything that reminded me of winblows. And it really makes me mad looking for a nice theme and stumbling across something that looks just like Vista. So please, all you theme creators, stop copying Vista and show some creativity! If you can't, don't fill this website with more Vista copies, completely identical to all the other ones.

Sorry for my english
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 Re: 100%agreement

 by TheRob on: Oct 21 2008
Score 50%

well, that's alright, I guess, but why
not make a category with the name of
themes/os/win-clone etc. that way we
could easily find the theme that suites
us :D

since there are a lot of users that
likes the win clones I doubt we will
ever get a win themes free linux site.

I hope I'm wrong tho.


\\\\\\\"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!\\\\\\\" -Denis Leary
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 Re: Re: 100%agreement

 by spirov92 on: Oct 21 2008
Score 50%

Sadly, you're right. Some people like those and we can't change that. I just wish there were fewer of them (I've seen about 10 emerald themes that copy the Vista style very precisely).

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 Re: Re: Re: 100%agreement

 by Moredhas on: Nov 1 2008
Score 50%

Although it wasn't an issue for me (I personally couldn't wait to get away from the colours blue and yellow), some people like the familiarity of a Windows-like theme. I hate wading through win-likes and mac-likes, but they do have a place. There just needs to be less of them. It's not really okay to make a subtle change noone can spot to a good theme and resubmit it (even if it is permitted by the license and credit is given, it just feels like bad form), so I don't see why people think it's okay to put another copy-cat theme on the pile.

On the other hand, one of my favourite themes on Gnome-Look, Leotard, is a mac-like. It's not a 1:1 copy of the OS X theme, but it was made to look similar. In my opinion, it looks better than all of the 1:1 copies of the OS X theme; most of which look like they were frankensteined together from screenshots.

I'm fine with a theme that looks similar (the Vista window controls don't look that bad), but I hate 1:1 copies.

Johnny was a chemist's son,
But now he is no more.
What Johnny thought was H[sub]2[/sub]O,
Was H[sub]2[/sub]SO[sub]4[/sub].

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 only vista?

 by JohnnyJu on: Oct 21 2008
Score 50%
TheLinuxBeau tyProject

hey peopol,
one question:
is this only stating against vista-clones or also against any comercial-OS-clones??
take apple-clones:
those ones are under the highest rates.
no surprise, because the visual concept of apple is made by very good and well-payed designers, (and the vista-thing is probably made by some bad-paid engineers!?) giving not just everyone that is trying to assemble a new theme a good starting-point and example, but also the GNOME and XFCE developers, or how do we explain the gnome-panel???

but what i want to say:
i am one of those who uses the apple-feeling as a starting-point and i really would like to emancipate and go away from there.
I hope we get to a point one day, where we destinguish ourselfes with a new breathtaking beautiful design which does only remember one thing:
a linux-distro-os-theme.
the biggest problem right now are the icons.
or not?

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 Re: only vista?

 by maxtothemax on: Oct 21 2008
Score 50%

I agree to that as well, I could create a "this is not an aqua clone" group as well if you think that's a good idea.

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 Re: Re: only vista?

 by falco101 on: Oct 27 2008
Score 50%

How 'bout this. Make a new generic group called 'No More Copies', 'Get Creative or Get Out', or... whatever; and delete this group.

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