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This Is Not An Aero Clone


I'm tired of seeing Vista clone themes and Bliss clone wallpapers. And judging by the way these things tend to get rated, most people agree with me.

Start showing some creativity, people!

Created:Sep 21 2008
Changed:Sep 21 2008
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 by mrkennie on: Sep 25 2008
Score 50%

I totally agree with this. I was thinking exactly the same thing when I was looking for a nice Compiz theme a while ago, nothing but damn Aero clones. What happened to originality and creativity? While I think it must of taken some sort of talent and know how to create these themes and make them look very much like Vista, I can't help thinking why not create something original? Come on folks, push the boundaries and create something new and exciting! If you can put together a theme and make it work, then create something new that looks even better. Why clone?

My 2 cents anyway.

There it is!
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 Re: Originality

 by s0l1dsnak3123 on: Sep 28 2008
Score 50%

seconded. More non-mac/non-aero Compiz themes!

Warning! Linux should not be used by those under the influence of Microsoft.
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 by CruelAngel on: Sep 25 2008
Score 50%

I actually found a pretty awsome dark theme here yesterday, that looks nothing like Aero. Just search for Mira.

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 by anon7657547867192 on: Sep 25 2008
Score 50%

what the fuck.

Mr. Anonymous
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 by billybag on: Sep 26 2008
Score 50%

I totally fucking agree. My OS is LINUX (more specifically mint, or ubuntu) and NOT windows and NOT mac. Be proud of your linux people! If you want it to look so much like windows, then get windows. DL a torrent. Mac, on the other hand is a bit harder to obtain and pay for. But anyway... Show some friggen creativity. Why on earth would you want your box to look so much like windows? Unless maybe you have a wife who is having trouble transitioning... i don't know.

MyLINMOW (My Linux is not Mac or Windows)
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 Re: aeronic

 by Genius314 on: Sep 28 2008
Score 50%

Why would someone use Windows just for the look? Just because they like how it looks, doesn't mean that they want the rest of the OS.
Linux is about freedom. We should be able to use any themes we want, even if that means taking Windows themes.

Of course, there is a limit. We really don't need so many Vista themes for emerald or GTK. One or two good ones are all that's really necessary.

(Note: I don't use any Windows or Mac themes. But people should be able to use what they want.)

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 The horror!

 by nachoman on: Sep 28 2008
Score 50%

It's not so much that I hate the look of Vista, XP, or OSX, it's the fact that there are so many of the VERY same thing! It's like a horde of zombies!

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 by flyindragon1 on: Sep 28 2008
Score 50%

i am equally sick of all the Vista clones in every part of this site...not just in gtk themes, but in wallpapers, GDM screens, icons, everything! Yes, the Aero theme is pretty, yes there are some good-looking re-makes of it, so YES, ITS TIME TO MOVE ON!

We need to remain 1 step ahead if the proprietary bullcrap, not 2 steps behind by spending all our time trying to imitate them... don't imitate, innovate!

you think the devs at monkeysoft came up with the Aero theme by taking a look at what the devs before them did on XP and said, 'man...thats great... lets make vista look just like that!' HELL NO! they said, 'this was a hit, so how can we make it better?' thats what we need to do.

Taking 'ideas' is fine, but changing ONE THING in the theme and republishing it as 'new' just shouldnt cut it.

--Make sure Brain is in gear before Engaging Mouth

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