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Linux From Scratch Users


A group dedicated to the people who are crazy enough to build their own distro.....from NOTHING!

Why would anyone do such a thing to himself/herself? Because, by manually selecting what gets installed, you can dramatically reduce the size of the operating system. Also, compiling from source does a body good.

Created:Apr 3 2008
Changed:Apr 4 2008
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 First Boot!

 by marcaemus on: Sep 30 2010
Score 50%

Finally! After all this time I finished a LFS build SVN 20100831. Boots properly and all is good in the world. Even though I'm used to compiling everything else, this is the first time 'going all the way'.

I s'pose the choice now is which desktop to go with?

A cry for help a hint of anaesthesia
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 Re: First Boot!

 by marcaemus on: Oct 2 2010
Score 50%

Networking's up and system daemons are all running. Now to build X.org and probably go with GNOME. KDE4 is nice but seems very heavy and bloated. k3b is the only 'killer' app in KDE - GNOME disc burning is still pretty lame.

A cry for help a hint of anaesthesia
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 Re: First Boot!

 by marcaemus on: Oct 13 2010
Score 50%

And the third of this trilogy. Gone with xfce till I build KDE4.5. Let's wait and see what GNOME3 will be like. No point building 2.32 beforehand.

If anyone finds themselves at a loose end, LFS is a great way to kill a couple of days. :-|

A cry for help a hint of anaesthesia
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 KDE 4.5.2 & Gentoo Forums

 by marcaemus on: Oct 17 2010
Score 50%

KDE is very nice but quite a few problems to build. Thanks to the posters in the Gentoo forums where I found the solutions to the problems I couldn't fix myself.

A cry for help a hint of anaesthesia
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 Re: KDE 4.5.2 & Gentoo Forums

 by unknownSpirit on: Oct 31 2011
Score 50%

What's the difference between LFS and Gentoo?
Installing Gentoo on a slow computer took me 3 days 'cause everything was compiled from source.

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 Re: Re: KDE 4.5.2 & Gentoo Forums

 by unknownSpirit on: Oct 31 2011
Score 50%

Found a thread in the gentoo forums stating that the package management is the only real difference:

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 Re: Re: KDE 4.5.2 & Gentoo Forums

 by marcaemus on: Oct 31 2011
Score 50%

With LFS you start with a blank partition and compile _everything_ from source. You need a host system to start the build. There is no package management - you need to get the source code from wherever its hosted and build it yourself. No ebuilds or slackbuilds, etc. Its time consuming but you'll get to know exactly how an entire GNU/Linux system works.

Working on it in bits and pieces took about a week and a half to get to building firefox. Building KDE can take a bit of work ;P

I used to always like building from source to take advantage of gcc optimisations on older pentium chips but running ia64 that's no longer such an issue. The resulting system has been perfectly stable.

Seems to me the main difference simply is that gentoo has ebuilds to help you, LFS you're on your own.

... when all the worlds collide.
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 Libre Office

 by marcaemus on: Nov 14 2010
Score 50%

Just built LibreOffice the latest incarnation of OpenOffice now that OO is owned by Oracle. Seems rather good although Draw doesn't seem to handle svg's made in Inkscape too well. Its still a beta so hopefully that will get fixed.

A cry for help a hint of anaesthesia
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 by marcaemus on: Oct 27 2011
Score 50%

Tried installing chromium from rpm and deb. Too many wrong library versions. Used a slackware package. Runs great. Just a word to the already wise.

... when all the worlds collide.
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 Gnome 3

 by marcaemus on: Nov 12 2011
Score 50%

Installed gnome 3.2. 136+ modules. Life's too short.

... when all the worlds collide.
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 LFS 7.0

 by marcaemus on: Feb 2 2012
Score 50%

Much quicker to do second time round.

... when all the worlds collide.
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