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Linux From Scratch Users


A group dedicated to the people who are crazy enough to build their own distro.....from NOTHING!

Why would anyone do such a thing to himself/herself? Because, by manually selecting what gets installed, you can dramatically reduce the size of the operating system. Also, compiling from source does a body good.

Created:Apr 3 2008
Changed:Apr 4 2008
Readability:readable for everybody
Membership:everybody can join

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 Hey ElTimo

 by marcaemus on: Apr 4 2008
Score 50%

I started of with a Fed 5 install nearly 2 years ago and about all that remains of it is RPM (still occaisionally useful), the C libraries/GCC and initscripts.

Building from scratch is good fun but can do your head in at times (stupid Firefox 2.x builds). Wonder what you plan on building.

when all the worlds collide...
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 by marcaemus on: Apr 4 2008
Score 50%

Just a useful resource for people who don't know it.


when all the worlds collide...
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 by ElTimo on: Apr 4 2008
Score 50%

Thanks for that. I'm planning on, if I can, trying to make my own modified version of pacman, and when I fail that, I don't know how I'm going to change it, but I will somehow :P I gave Gentoo a shot before, but the disk must have burned incorrectly, because it kept freezing while extracting Perl.

"You say 'poe-tay-toe,' I say 'the wailing of the innocents.'"
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 by ElTimo on: Apr 4 2008
Score 50%

On second thought, I think I should look at what else is out there before I pick pacman, although I hear pacman is quite the pwnsauce.

"You say 'poe-tay-toe,' I say 'the wailing of the innocents.'"
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 Group Description

 by marcaemus on: Apr 5 2008
Score 50%

You say in the group description that compiling from source does the body good. I hope you keep that in mind when compiling x.org! ;)

when all the worlds collide...
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 Re: Group Description

 by ElTimo on: Apr 5 2008
Score 50%

lol who says i'm making a GRAPHICAL distribution? :P Anyway, that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger, although from the looks of it, xorg just might kill me...

"You say 'poe-tay-toe,' I say 'the wailing of the innocents.'"
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 New Build

 by marcaemus on: Apr 17 2008
Score 50%

After a rather spectacular hard disk failure, I'm back to rebuilding my system from the kernel up. Probably won't build KDE for now till it settles down a bit.

If anyone's interested how the build goes or has any comments about building linux, please post.

when all the worlds collide...
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 by marcaemus on: Apr 17 2008
Score 50%

Just as an afterthought, will be using Fedora 8 as host for the build.

when all the worlds collide...
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 by xep on: Apr 18 2008
Score 50%

Somebody tried to build LFS with glibc 2.7, coreutils 6.10 and findutils 4.4.0 under x86_64?
It is awful

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 Re: x86_64

 by marcaemus on: Apr 19 2008
Score 50%

After a bit of consideration, I decided I will build gnu libc (2.7) after all but I'm building for a P3. Its bound to harden the body and soften the mind. Will probably keep the redhat build tools. Let's hope it doesn't turn out 'awful'.

when all the worlds collide...
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 Re: x86_64

 by xep on: May 12 2008
Score 50%

builded. gnulib was fixed in coreutils-6.11 and now it's ok.

x86_64: 2.6.25, glibc-2.7, gcc-4.3.0

some new patches was uploaded to cblfs repo

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 by marcaemus on: May 14 2008
Score 50%

Well, i finally finished. Was putting off the x.org build as long as possible. Still got an odd prob with keyboard maps not working as expected so any help would be appreciated. (got a workaround in place)

Xep, good to hear yours is now working.

when all the worlds collide...
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 Re: Done

 by marcaemus on: May 14 2008
Score 50%

Spoke too soon, found the answer in the Fed 9 release notes.

when all the worlds collide...
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