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The 1 Million Tux Project


We are searching 1\'000\'000 people who know Linux as a platform and have fallen in love with it. Are you one of them? Just register in our site!

This page exists as a appreciation to Linux and Open Source and to make it more popular. The global amount of Linuxers are incomprehensible low and sometimes scary.

Created:Mar 31 2010
Changed:Apr 1 2010
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Membership:everybody can join

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 I love penguins...

 by plmegalo on: Apr 2 2010
Score 50%

surtout quand ils sont issus d'un oeuf corse... impossible to translate sorry !

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 Re: I love penguins...

 by njordewind on: Apr 2 2010
Score 50%

Sorry ... I'm not able to understand you :(

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 Re: Re: I love penguins...

 by plmegalo on: Apr 2 2010
Score 50%

Don't worry : it's only a french/english silly pun about "Of Course" = "Oeuf Corse"... doesn't mean anything in english. Only that you have my support for this group, ... of course ;) !

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 Re: Re: Re: I love penguins...

 by njordewind on: Apr 2 2010
Score 50%

Ah, ok! Thx 2 u!

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: I love penguins...

 by Padster on: Apr 2 2010
Score 50%

"especially when they come from an egg Corsican"
i get the pun kinda tho. oeuf is egg.


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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I love penguins...

 by plmegalo on: Apr 3 2010
Score 50%

Right : it can't get explained better !

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 My only Linux regret...

 by aerion on: Apr 3 2010
Score 50%

I've been through an endless amount of distros, all offering interesting ideas.
None of them were really bad, some just suited me better than others.

Some try to offer a full integrated desktop experience, similar to XP or OS X, and do an excellent job at it (SUSE, Mandriva), others try to be Windows to make the switch as painless as possible (Xandros), and yet others aim to hand you back full control over your PC by letting you hand pick what you want and don't want to install (Arch Linux).

This is one of the most empowering things I came across when starting out with Linux some 7 years ago. Unlike Windows, if you're not happy with certain aspects of your distro, you can simply look for another one that suits you better.

I have finally settled on Arch Linux, a distro that is most definitely not for everyone, but it fits me like a glove.

I still have a weak spot for Debian though, the distro I started my Linux journey with, and I still run it on my two home servers (Linksys NSLU2).

My only regret is that I didn't take the plunge years earlier...

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 My only Linux regret...

 by aerion on: Apr 3 2010
Score 50%

I've been through an endless amount of distros, all offering interesting ideas.
None of them were really bad, some just suited me better than others.

Some try to offer a full integrated desktop experience, similar to XP or OS X, and do an excellent job at it (SUSE, Mandriva), others try to be Windows to make the switch as painless as possible (Xandros), and yet others aim to hand you back full control over your PC by letting you hand pick what you want and don't want to install (Arch Linux).

This is one of the most empowering things I came across when starting out with Linux some 7 years ago. Unlike Windows, if you're not happy with certain aspects of your distro, you can simply look for another one that suits you better.

I have finally settled on Arch Linux, a distro that is most definitely not for everyone, but it fits me like a glove.

I still have a weak spot for Debian though, the distro I started my Linux journey with, and I still run it on my two home servers (Linksys NSLU2).

My only regret is that I didn't take the plunge years earlier...

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 Re: My only Linux regret...

 by Padster on: Apr 3 2010
Score 50%

i tried arch on a virtual machine, but couldn't even get X installed. :-(


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 Re: Re: My only Linux regret...

 by aerion on: Apr 4 2010
Score 50%

I would strongly suggest you follow the Beginners Guide on the Arch Wiki.

My girlfriend, who had never installed or used a Linux system before, managed to get her laptop installed with Arch and KDE, using only that guide.

It's worth trying, Arch is considerably faster than most distros, and with their modular KDE packages, you only need to install what you need. Arch does not make any assumptions about what the user wants and /or needs. This comes at a price though: you need to get your hands dirty. It's not like installing Ubuntu where after 30 minutes you have a system that is ready to play all your videos and music, browse the web, read your e-mails etc. which comes at a different price: lots of preinstalled applications which you may never use, but cannot remove because other apps depend on them...

That doesn't make Ubuntu bad, it's just a different approach, targetting a different user group.

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 by omega-xis on: Apr 9 2010
Score 50%

linux rocks in any-way
that most companies don't build progrmas for linux is due those lazy companies!
it is not linux its own fault!

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 Needing more translations!

 by njordewind on: Apr 11 2010
Score 50%

So 1 Million Tux is an international project, we need translations for our start page. Existent translations you will find here ( http://1-million-tux.linux-befehle.org/translators.php ). If you like to help us, please send an mail to aaron27301[at]gmail.com

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 LoOoOoOoOove LiNux

 by mixman2009 on: Apr 17 2010
Score 50%

I do love Linux and i wish one day it will be the most popular OS

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