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- Event Nagios World Conference Europe ™ .- Participants (2) . 

Nagios World Conference Europe ™

May 12 2011

After the success of the Brazilian edition in Sào Paolo, the European edition of the Nagios World Conference™ will be held on May 12th at Bolzano/Italy. Nagios partner Würth Phoenix, who will host the event has confirmed the participation of namable speakers such as Nagios founder Ethan Galstad, Nagios Plugin coordinator Ton Voon or the NS Client creator Michael Medin. Moreover, there will be presentations of the new OTRS version and the interaction of OSS monitoring solutions such us Nagios with the integrated CMDB and the Change Management workflow engine. Martin Loschwitz form Viennese Linbit will refer on real time cluster synchronization with their new developed Linux standard DRBD.

Best practices and practical experience with Nagios and Nagios based System Management solutions will come from fashion company Diesel or the oldest Business School in the world, the University of Bologna. Finally ntop´s Luca Deri will take an introduction on application latency monitoring using nProbe via NetFlow.

The event is designed for IT managers, system administrators and developers to network with other IT professionals and to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas with other Nagios users. If you already work with Open Source monitoring tools or are considering their use, we invite you to attend the event and learn actual strategies from technical experts that can improve the way you utilize monitoring in your company or business. The entry is free, therefore we recommend an early subscription to ensure your participation.


Würth Phoenix Srl


Via Bruno Buozzi 35 · 39100 Bolzano · Italy


Tel:+39 0471 564 111
Created:May 4 2011
Changed:May 4 2011

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