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- Event Wine China 2010 Exhibition .- Participants (3) . 

Wine China 2010 Exhibition

Apr 23 2010 - Apr 25 2010

2010 China International Wine & Spirits Exhibition
April 23rd – 25th, 2010 National Agricultural Exhibition Center, Beijing

Wine China Exhibition 2010, approved by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and fully supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of China, will be held in Beijing National Agricultural Exhibition Center during 23rd to 25th of April, 2010. It’s organized by CCPIT Sub-Council of Agriculture in partnership with Beijing Regalland Conventions & Exhibition Co, Ltd.

Wine China 2010 is the most direct and effective way for you to gain insight into Chinese market and meet importers and distributors from all over China.

China is a large country with an amazing potential of wine consumption. According to the latest study of IWSR (International Wine and Spirits Record), China has stepped into the top ten wine consumption markets in the world. The annual growth rate of imported wine is around 30%. The growth rate of Chinese wine production is half less than the growth rate of the wine import. Without a doubt, the potential market for wine import is huge.

A series of activities have been devised to give you more opportunities to generate publicity, demonstrate products, and close sales.

 Beijing Wine & Gourmet Tour
 Beijing Wine Market & Cellar Touch Tour
 Wine Matching Food Workshop
 Wine Tasting & Showing Area
 Lectures on Wine and training for distributors
 Training for wine distributors (business tips, how to select wine, etc.)
 Chinese Wine Market Report Meeting
 Enterprisers’ Dialogue Summit
 Wine Tasting Meeting

As a professional trade promoting institution and exhibition service company, we not only provide pre-exhibition service, assistance during the exhibition and research after the event, but also serve as wine business consultant. After many years of experience, we have gathered plenty of data, and can surely help you find an effective solution.
For more details about Wine China 2010, please visit www.winechinaexhibition.com.
If any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Beijing Regalland Convention & Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Room No. 438 Jin Ou Building, An Zhen Li,
Chao Yang District, Beijing 100029 China
Tel:+86 10 64416542 Fax:+86 10 64412631
Website:www.winechinaexhibition.com, www.regalland.com
E-mail: info@regalland.com, winechina@wineculturechina.com


 Venue: Beijing National Agricultural Exhibition Center
 Location: No. 16 East 3rd Ring North RD, Chaoyang, Beijing

Beijing, China

Tel:+86 10 64416542
Fax:+86 10 64412631
Created:Dec 9 2009
Changed:Dec 9 2009

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