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New SlicknesS Theme 2009


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 72%
New SlicknesS Theme 2009

Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  11984
Submitted:  Feb 2 2009
Updated:  Feb 4 2009


This is another modification of the great SlicknesS theme made by TheRob...

I just added a background in the window area, so, the theme looks more complete and I also modified the X-C Blacklight emerald theme.

As a result, this is my modified version :).

Thanks to the real artists who made these fantastic themes.

LicenseArtistic 2.0
other(New SlicknesS Theme 2009)
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 Nice & need engine name

 by sultan-mrm on: Feb 3 2009
Score 50%

very Nice good work,

can you tell us what the engine name ?


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 Re: Nice & need engine name

 by edren on: Feb 3 2009
Score 50%

Since this is just a little modification of the original work, I am not sure about the engines it uses... What I know is that it does not use any of the Aurora / Murrine engines. So if I am not wrong, this theme only uses the standard Gtk 2x engine.

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 Embedded screenlets?

 by PandaPanda on: Feb 3 2009
Score 50%

How do you get the meters to appear like that on the desktop?

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 Re: Embedded screenlets?

 by PandaPanda on: Feb 3 2009
Score 50%

Also, this isn't installing correctly on Gnome 2.2.3 for me... In the appearance menu it shows a question mark and reverts to the default theme.

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 Re: Re: Embedded screenlets?

 by edren on: Feb 3 2009
Score 50%

Try to untar the file and move the theme folder to /usr/share/themes or /home/USER/.themes . then check if everything is fine.

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 Re: Embedded screenlets?

 by edren on: Feb 3 2009
Score 50%

Just open the screenlets menu and select the "ring sensor" screenlet, everytime you press "Add" and this screenlet is selected you will get a new sensor of the same screenlet. Then, you can set the size and the kind of sensor of every screenlet, set every screenlet as "Locked", that way, the screenlets won't move and will stay there in the back.

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 by lester2 on: Feb 3 2009
Score 50%

emesene, windows seven, skype... man, are you sure you choose the right OS?

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 Re: Jeez...

 by edren on: Feb 3 2009
Score 50%

Ha ha ha, I know, actually I've been using Linux since many years ago... Believe me, I dislike windows a lot but, unfortunately you always need that crap to create some school homeworks.

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 slick 09

 by ihazcheezburgah on: Feb 3 2009
Score 50%

Best theme i have seen for gnome, i have download a lot but this look amazing.

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 Thanx.... But..

 by sultan-mrm on: Feb 3 2009
Score 50%

I did it :)
but look at my panel color ,
it is not like yours , how I can do it
same . ^_*


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 Re: Thanx.... But..

 by edren on: Feb 4 2009
Score 50%

Try going to the panel properties (right click on the panel and properties) and in the "background" tab select none "(use system theme)" that must solve your problem.

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 Re: Re: Thanx.... But..

 by sultan-mrm on: Feb 4 2009
Score 50%

It's as you said no background,

but it is not shine as yours.


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 Re: Re: Re: Thanx.... But..

 by edren on: Feb 4 2009
Score 50%

It looks like you have set some compiz transparency effects... I think that's why your panel doesn't look like mine.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Thanx.... But..

 by sultan-mrm on: Feb 5 2009
Score 50%


sorry man. you now what I did ?

I choose the old one not new one .

now every things good , thaaanks

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 Love it but

 by enegron on: Feb 4 2009
Score 50%

I truly like this theme, i do however not one bit like the scrollbar which is a shame as it stops me from using it.

It feels out of place


None the less, well done

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 Re: Love it but

 by edren on: Feb 4 2009
Score 50%

Thanks man, anyway you can always modify the themes... the scrollbar is nothing more like png images.. ;)

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